Název: Abbreviations in English military terminology
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 2013, roč. 39, č. 1, s. [59]-87
ISSN0524-6881 (print)1805-0867 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/BSE2013-1-4
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/129152
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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This article presents an overview of classification and taxonomic arrangement of abbreviations in English military terminology and analyzed from two perspectives – orthographic and morphological. Previous works in this field provide sometimes conflicting categorizations, thus showing a need for a more consistent approach and classification. The work aims to provide an outline of what a typical military abbreviation consists of and how it is created. The properties of abbreviations are analyzed in terms of their length, the length of their source phrases, source phrase elements used and omitted in the creation of abbreviations, and the elements used in their creation, i.e. initials and splinters. The abbreviations are grouped according to several criteria.
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[16] Lehrer, Adrienne (2007) "Blendalicious". In: Munat, Judith (ed.) Lexical Creativity. Text and Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 115–133.
[17] López Rúa, Paula (2004) "Acronyms & Co.: A typology of typologies". Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 12, 109–129.
[18] López Rúa, Paula (2006) "Non-Morphological Word Formation". In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd ed.), Vol. 2. Oxford: Elsevier, 675–678.
[19] López Rúa, Paula (2007) "Keeping Up with the Times: Lexical Creativity in Electronic Communication". In: Munat, Judith (ed.) Lexical Creativity. Text and Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 137–159.
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[21] Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik (1985) A Comprehensive Grammar of English. London: Longman.
[22] Sheppard, Hellen E., and Julie E. Towell (1987) International Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary, 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale.
[23] Stockwell, Robert and Donka Minkova (2001) English Words: History and Structure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[24] URL 1 – http:www.imperialjapanmedalsandbadges.com/kia.html (Accessed on 13 April 2012)
[25] URL 2 – http:www.theodoresworld.net/archives/vietnam_vets/ (Accessed on 13 April 2012)
[26] URL 3 – http:www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA480496 (Accessed on 13 April 2012)
[2] Bauer, Laurie (2003) "The Productivity of (Non-)productive Morphology". Rivista di Linguistica, 15 (1), 7–16.
[3] Bowyer, Richard (2007) Dictionary of Military Terms, 3rd ed. London: A&C Black Publishers Ltd.
[4] Cannon, Garland (1989) "Abbreviations and Acronyms in English Word-Formation". American Speech 64 (2), 99–127. | DOI 10.2307/455038
[5] Crowley, Ellen T., and Hellen E. Sheppard (1987) Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary, 12th ed. Detroit: Gale.
[6] Crystal, David (1995) The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
[7] Fandrych, Ingrid (2008a) "Pagad, Chillax and Jozi: A Multi-Level Approach to Acronyms, Blends, and Clippings". Nawa Journal of Language and Communication 2 (2), 71–88.
[8] Fandrych, Ingrid (2008b) "Submorphemic elements in the formation of acronyms, blends and clippings". Lexis 2: Lexical Submorphemics / La submorphémique lexicale, 105–123.
[9] Fischer, Roswitha (1998) Lexical change in present-day English. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
[10] Gries, Stefan Th. (2004a) "Shouldn't it be breakfunch? A quantitative analysis of the structure of blends". Linguistics 42 (3), 639–667.
[11] Gries, Stefan Th. (2004b) "Isn't that fantabulous? How similarity motivates intentional morphological blends". In: Achard, Michel and Suzanne Kemmer (eds.) Language, culture, and mind. CA: CSLI, Stanford, 415–428.
[12] Harley, Heidi (2006) English Words: A Linguistic Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
[13] Jackson, Howard and Etienne Zé Amvela (2005) Words, Meaning and Vocabulary. London: Continuum.
[14] Kreidler, Charles W. (1979) "Creating new words by shortening". Journal of English Linguistics 13, 24–36. | DOI 10.1177/007542427901300102
[15] Lehrer, Adrienne (1998) "Scapes, Holics and Thons: The Semantics of English Combining Forms". American Speech 73, 3–28. | DOI 10.2307/455924
[16] Lehrer, Adrienne (2007) "Blendalicious". In: Munat, Judith (ed.) Lexical Creativity. Text and Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 115–133.
[17] López Rúa, Paula (2004) "Acronyms & Co.: A typology of typologies". Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 12, 109–129.
[18] López Rúa, Paula (2006) "Non-Morphological Word Formation". In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd ed.), Vol. 2. Oxford: Elsevier, 675–678.
[19] López Rúa, Paula (2007) "Keeping Up with the Times: Lexical Creativity in Electronic Communication". In: Munat, Judith (ed.) Lexical Creativity. Text and Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 137–159.
[20] Plag, Ingo (2003) Word-formation in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[21] Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik (1985) A Comprehensive Grammar of English. London: Longman.
[22] Sheppard, Hellen E., and Julie E. Towell (1987) International Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary, 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale.
[23] Stockwell, Robert and Donka Minkova (2001) English Words: History and Structure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[24] URL 1 – http:www.imperialjapanmedalsandbadges.com/kia.html (Accessed on 13 April 2012)
[25] URL 2 – http:www.theodoresworld.net/archives/vietnam_vets/ (Accessed on 13 April 2012)
[26] URL 3 – http:www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA480496 (Accessed on 13 April 2012)