The comparative study of facial emotion recognition ability in ADHD individuals and individuals with high functioning autism/Asperger syndrome

Název: The comparative study of facial emotion recognition ability in ADHD individuals and individuals with high functioning autism/Asperger syndrome
Zdrojový dokument: Klinická psychologie a osobnost. 2013, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 15-25
  • ISSN
    1805-6393 (print)
    2336-4432 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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This study describes and compares the facial emotion recognition abilities and specific recognition profiles of ADHD individuals and HFA/AS individuals in review- related articles selected from the last 10 years. It is concluded that, in facial emotional recognition tasks, individuals from the HFA/AS groups out-perform those from the ADHD groups. HFA/AS groups showed impairments only for complex tasks which required the detection of subtle facial expressions. ADHD groups showed deficits for more simple facial labeling tasks. Directions calling for further study are pointed out.
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