Recycling contexts : reconstructing gender identities in Daniel MacIvor's A Beautiful View and Never Swim Alone

Název: Recycling contexts : reconstructing gender identities in Daniel MacIvor's A Beautiful View and Never Swim Alone
Zdrojový dokument: Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2012, roč. 5, č. 2, s. [57]-82
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Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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This article focuses on gender reconstruction in dramatic discourse based on a comparison of Daniel MacIvor's Never Swim Alone (1991) and A Beautiful View (2006). It is divided into two parts; in the first, the focus is on theoretical applications of contextual theories (recontextualization) to the discursive processes of dramatic texts. In the second part, language recontextualization will be used as a process through which gender identities and ideologies are reconstructed. Ochs's (1993) theory of social indexicality and Gal's and Irvine's (2000) language ideology theory (which includes iconicity) will be taken as processes of recontextualization that function as a means of gender reconstruction. The semiotics of dramatic discourse will be discussed as well: the conversational level of dramatic discourse (the dialogic level) and the contextual level of dramatic discourse (which also comprises the transformation of metalanguage into the structure and main motifs of the plays) will be considered in order to examine gender reconstruction. The article explores stereotypical gendered communication and gendered ideologies as a means of reconstructing gender identities in regard to both their employment in dramatic discourse and their dramatic potential to shift stereotypical notions of gender.
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