Orlandini's Antigona (vendicata) : transformation of a Venetian opera on its transalpine journey

Název: Orlandini's Antigona (vendicata) : transformation of a Venetian opera on its transalpine journey
Černínová, Eva (překladatel)
Čermáková, Barbora (překladatel)
Zdrojový dokument: Musicologica Brunensia. 2018, roč. 53, č. Supplementum, s. 227-248
  • ISSN
    1212-0391 (print)
    2336-436X (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
SPÁČILOVÁ, Jana. Orlandini's Antigona (vendicata): transformation of a Venetian opera on its transalpine journey. Online. Musicologica Brunensia. 2018, roč. 53, č. Supplementum, s. 227-248. ISSN 1212-0391 (print). Dostupné z: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/140875. [cit. 2025-03-28].

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The study focuses on the reception of the opera Antigona by Giuseppe Maria Orlandini from its premiere in Venice in 1718 to the productions in Breslau 1728 and Brno 1736. On the basis of newly discovered unique sources (a libretto from 1728 in the Moravian Museum Brno, the score in the Czech Museum of Music Prague, the score of the premiere version in the library of San Francisco State University, reviews in the contemporary press) changes which the work underwent on its way across Europe are presented, and the problem of the aesthetic categories of the pasticcio, in the context of Transalpine production of Italian opera seria, is restored.
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