Title: Convivium
Rok: 2021
Ročník: 8
Číslo: 2
Rok vydání
2336-3452 (print)
2336-808X (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/144613
- Edited by Adrien Palladino & Elisabetta Scirocco with the collaboration of Natália Gachallová
Ústav FF MU
Title | Document |
The "Middle Ages"' interconnectedness | 11–12
Palladino, Adrien; Scirocco, Elisabetta |
Title | Document |
"Romanesque" Conques as a neo-Carolingian project | [168]–174
Foletti, Ivan; Palladino, Adrien; Debiais, Vincent; Sparhubert, Éric; Voyer, Cécile |
Dissipating Strzygowski's shadow : Weitzmann on Armenian book illumination | 175–182
Palladino, Adrien |
Title | Document |
[Aimone, Marco. The Wyvern Collection: Byzantine and Sasanian Silver, Enamels and Works of Art] | 186–188
Palladino, Adrien |
[The Lives and Afterlives of Medieval Iconography] | 189–192
Schwarz, Martin |
[Lucherini, Vinni. La Cronaca angioina dei re d'Ungheria. Uno specchio eroico e fiabesco della sovranità] | 193–196
Scirocco, Elisabetta |
[Betancourt, Roland. Byzantine Intersectionality. Sexuality, Gender & Race in the Middle Ages] | 197–201
Tranchina, Antonino |
[L'Image miraculeuse dans le christianisme occidental (Moyen Âge – Temps modernes)] | 202–207
Virdis, Alberto |
Title | Document |
Photographic credits | [208]–210