Název: From creating spaces to evoking images: 4 + 1 Hamlets in Slovak theatre
Zdrojový dokument: Theatralia. 2018, roč. 21, č. 2, s. 64-78
ISSN1803-845X (print)2336-4548 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/TY2018-2-5
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/138515
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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This paper reflects upon staging Hamlet in Slovakia from 1950 to 2004. The five selected productions brought seemingly different designs of the theatrical space. And yet in four of them, there were many similarities in terms of mimetic understanding of the space. There was only one, nearly unnoticed production in the Rusyn language (2004) building a completely different space: based upon sophisticated visual principles derived from Spanish and Dutch Golden Age paintings, inviting the audience to read Hamlet as a contemplation on a highly performative society.
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[3] BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana. 1998. Hamlet: dobrodružstvo textu [Hamlet: The Adventure of the Text]. Levice: LCA, 1998.
[4] BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana. 2007. Malé dejiny Hamleta [The Little History of Hamlet]. Bratislava: SND a Slovart, 2007.
[5] BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana (ed.). 2014. "In double trust". Shakespeare in Central Europe. Bratislava: VŠMU, 2014.
[6] ČAVOJSKÝ, Ladislav. 1964. Past na svědomí. Rudé právo (15. 5. 1964). Available online at: http://archiv.ucl.cas.cz/index.php?path=RudePravo/1964/5/15/4.png
[7] DEDINSKÝ, Móric M[ittelman]. 1964. O Shakespearovi, dnešku a Hamletovi [About Shakespeare: Today and Hamlet]. Kultúrny život 23 (6. 6. 1964).
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[9] JABORNÍK, Ján. 1996. A personal conversation, August 2nd 1996 in Bratislava.
[10] KERSHAW, Baz. 2001. Dramas of the Performative Society: Theatre at the End of its Tether. New Theatre Quarterly 17 (2001): 203–211. doi:10.1017/S0266464X0001472X. | DOI 10.1017/S0266464X0001472X
[11] KOLÁŘ, Pavel and Michal PULLMANN. 2016. Co byla normalizace? Studie o pozdním socialismu [What was Normalisation? A Study of Late Socialism]. Prague: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny a Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2016.
[12] MAKARYK, Irena R. and Joseph. G. PRICE (eds.). 2006. Shakespeare in the Worlds of Communism and Socialism. Toronto/Buffalo/London: University of Toronto Press Incorporated, 2006.
[13] PECHR, Čestmír. 1964. Slovenský Hamlet [Slovak Hamlet]. Slovenské divadlo 12 (1964): 4: 521.
[14] PERVIĆ, Muharem. 2002. Chamlet bez granica [Hamlet without Borders]. Politika (2. 10. 2002) (Belgrade). Quoted according to Divadelné správy DÚ Bratislava 3: 10 (December 2002): 18.
[15] POPOV, A. D. 1950. A. D. Popov o shakespearovskom repertoári v sovietskom divadle. [A. D. Popov on the Shakespearean Repertoire in the Soviet theatre]. Shakespeare, William: Hamlet. Bratislava: SND, 1950, s. p. [theatre bill].
[16] SEVER, Peter [Jozef Bobok]. 1964. Hamlet, ktorý sa nepýta. Smena (17. 5. 1964).
[17] SHURBANOV, Alexander and Boika, SOKOLOVA. 2001. Painting Shakespeare Red. An East-European Appropriation. Newark: University of Delaware Press. London: Associated University Presses, 2001.
[18] ULMANOVÁ, Martina. 2001. Shakespeare na spôsob Tarantina [Shakespeare à la Tarantino]. Mosty 10: 27 (3. 7. 2001): 12.
[19] VYCHODIL, Ladislav. 1950. Problémy výtvarníka pri inscenácii Hamleta [The designer's Problems in Creating Hamlet]. Shakespeare, William: Hamlet. Bratislava: SND 1950, s. p. [theatre bill].
[20] WILD, Jana. 1998 – BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana. 1998. Hamlet: dobrodružstvo textu [Hamlet: The Adventure of the Text]. Levice: LCA, 1998.
[21] WILD, Jana. 2001. Jednoducho Hamlet [Simply Hamlet]. Divadlo v medzičase VI (2001): 1: 10–11.
[22] WILD, Jana. 2007 – BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana. 2007. Malé dejiny Hamleta [A Short Cultural History of Hamlet]. Bratislava: SND a Slovart, 2007.
[23] WILD, Jana. 2017a. 'The Art of Performance': Staging Hamlet in Rusyn Language. In Courtney Krystyna Kujawinska and Grzegorz Zinkiewicz (eds.). Shakespeare and his Infinite Variety. Lódź: Lodź University Press, 2017: 145–150.
[24] WILD, Jana B. 2017b. Hidden (Pilgr)images. Two Slovak Shakespeares of the 1970s. In Ioan Cristescu and George Volceanov (eds.). Shakespeare in Romania, Shakespeare in the World. Bucuresti: Editura Muzeul Literaturii Romane, 2017: 95–100.
[25] WILD, Jana B. (ed.). 2018. Shakespeare medzi Veľkým treskom a South Parkom [Shakespeare from the Big Bang to South Park]. Bratislava: Európa, 2018.
[2] BARTOSHEVICH, Alexey V. 2017. The Fortunes of Russian Hamlet. Russkij Šekspir [online], 2017. Available online at: http://rus-shake.ru/criticism/Bartoshevich/Russian_Hamlet
[3] BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana. 1998. Hamlet: dobrodružstvo textu [Hamlet: The Adventure of the Text]. Levice: LCA, 1998.
[4] BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana. 2007. Malé dejiny Hamleta [The Little History of Hamlet]. Bratislava: SND a Slovart, 2007.
[5] BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana (ed.). 2014. "In double trust". Shakespeare in Central Europe. Bratislava: VŠMU, 2014.
[6] ČAVOJSKÝ, Ladislav. 1964. Past na svědomí. Rudé právo (15. 5. 1964). Available online at: http://archiv.ucl.cas.cz/index.php?path=RudePravo/1964/5/15/4.png
[7] DEDINSKÝ, Móric M[ittelman]. 1964. O Shakespearovi, dnešku a Hamletovi [About Shakespeare: Today and Hamlet]. Kultúrny život 23 (6. 6. 1964).
[8] FOUCAULT, Michel. 1984. Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias. Architecture /Mouvement/Continuité (October 1984): 46–49. Available online at: http://web.mit.edu/allanmc/www/foucault1.pdf.
[9] JABORNÍK, Ján. 1996. A personal conversation, August 2nd 1996 in Bratislava.
[10] KERSHAW, Baz. 2001. Dramas of the Performative Society: Theatre at the End of its Tether. New Theatre Quarterly 17 (2001): 203–211. doi:10.1017/S0266464X0001472X. | DOI 10.1017/S0266464X0001472X
[11] KOLÁŘ, Pavel and Michal PULLMANN. 2016. Co byla normalizace? Studie o pozdním socialismu [What was Normalisation? A Study of Late Socialism]. Prague: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny a Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2016.
[12] MAKARYK, Irena R. and Joseph. G. PRICE (eds.). 2006. Shakespeare in the Worlds of Communism and Socialism. Toronto/Buffalo/London: University of Toronto Press Incorporated, 2006.
[13] PECHR, Čestmír. 1964. Slovenský Hamlet [Slovak Hamlet]. Slovenské divadlo 12 (1964): 4: 521.
[14] PERVIĆ, Muharem. 2002. Chamlet bez granica [Hamlet without Borders]. Politika (2. 10. 2002) (Belgrade). Quoted according to Divadelné správy DÚ Bratislava 3: 10 (December 2002): 18.
[15] POPOV, A. D. 1950. A. D. Popov o shakespearovskom repertoári v sovietskom divadle. [A. D. Popov on the Shakespearean Repertoire in the Soviet theatre]. Shakespeare, William: Hamlet. Bratislava: SND, 1950, s. p. [theatre bill].
[16] SEVER, Peter [Jozef Bobok]. 1964. Hamlet, ktorý sa nepýta. Smena (17. 5. 1964).
[17] SHURBANOV, Alexander and Boika, SOKOLOVA. 2001. Painting Shakespeare Red. An East-European Appropriation. Newark: University of Delaware Press. London: Associated University Presses, 2001.
[18] ULMANOVÁ, Martina. 2001. Shakespeare na spôsob Tarantina [Shakespeare à la Tarantino]. Mosty 10: 27 (3. 7. 2001): 12.
[19] VYCHODIL, Ladislav. 1950. Problémy výtvarníka pri inscenácii Hamleta [The designer's Problems in Creating Hamlet]. Shakespeare, William: Hamlet. Bratislava: SND 1950, s. p. [theatre bill].
[20] WILD, Jana. 1998 – BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana. 1998. Hamlet: dobrodružstvo textu [Hamlet: The Adventure of the Text]. Levice: LCA, 1998.
[21] WILD, Jana. 2001. Jednoducho Hamlet [Simply Hamlet]. Divadlo v medzičase VI (2001): 1: 10–11.
[22] WILD, Jana. 2007 – BŽOCHOVÁ-WILD, Jana. 2007. Malé dejiny Hamleta [A Short Cultural History of Hamlet]. Bratislava: SND a Slovart, 2007.
[23] WILD, Jana. 2017a. 'The Art of Performance': Staging Hamlet in Rusyn Language. In Courtney Krystyna Kujawinska and Grzegorz Zinkiewicz (eds.). Shakespeare and his Infinite Variety. Lódź: Lodź University Press, 2017: 145–150.
[24] WILD, Jana B. 2017b. Hidden (Pilgr)images. Two Slovak Shakespeares of the 1970s. In Ioan Cristescu and George Volceanov (eds.). Shakespeare in Romania, Shakespeare in the World. Bucuresti: Editura Muzeul Literaturii Romane, 2017: 95–100.
[25] WILD, Jana B. (ed.). 2018. Shakespeare medzi Veľkým treskom a South Parkom [Shakespeare from the Big Bang to South Park]. Bratislava: Európa, 2018.