André Breton on French and Czech stages

Název: André Breton on French and Czech stages
Zdrojový dokument: Theatralia. 2022, roč. 25, č. 1, s. 87-108
  • ISSN
    1803-845X (print)
    2336-4548 (online)
Type: Článek

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The study intends to explore the impact André Breton's plays had on the interwar stagings in France and Czechoslovakia. I will focus on two of Breton's plays, If You Please (written together with Soupault in 1919, staged in Paris in 1920 and in Prague in 1928) and Le Trésor des jésuites [The Treasure of the Jesuits] (written with Aragon in 1929, world premiere in Prague in 1935, not translated in English), and their staging specificities, including the context: reasons of their staging choice, translation, and reception. The intention of this study is to contribute to the debate regarding the relationship between French and Czech Surrealism.
[1] ARAGON, Louis and André BRETON. 1928. Le Trésor des jésuites. In André Breton. OEuvres complètes I. Paris: Gallimard, 1988: 995–1014.

[2] BRETON, André and Philippe SOUPAULT. 1920. If You Please. In Michael Benedikt and George E. Wellwarth (eds.). Modern French Plays. New York: Plume Books, 1964: 156–168.

[3] AMP. [A. M. Píša]. 1928. Honzl lyrický [Lyrical Honzl]. Právo lidu (18. 5. 1928).

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[11] BRETON, André. 1934. Introduction au discours sur le peu de réalité. In André Breton. OEuvres complètes II. Paris: Gallimard, 1988: 265–266.

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[18] F.N. [František Němec]. 1935. Surrealistický večer [Surrealist Soirée]. Rudé právo (20. 5. 1935): 4.

[19] G.C. [Georges Charensol]. 1920. À la Maison d'Oeuvre. Manifestation Dada. Comoedia (29. 3. 1920): 2.

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[21] HUBERT, Etienne-André. 1988. Le Trésor des jésuites. Notice. In André Breton. OEuvres completes I. Paris: Gallimard, 1988: 1743–1749.

[22] IF. [Irma Jarmila Fischerová]. 1928. Nezachytitelný lyrism na scéně [Intangible Lyricism on Stage]. Národní osvobození (18. 5. 1928): 5.

[23] IF. [Irma Jarmila Fischerová]. 1935. Surrealistické jevištní básně [Surrealist Stage Poems]. Národní osvobození (19. 5. 1935): 5.

[24] Jindřich Honzl's family personal archives (JHFPA), folder Korespondence – sl. II [Correspondence – folder II]. Soupault Philippe. 1927–1928. Contains a draft by Honzl (MS, 2 pages), three letters and a postcard from Soupault (16. 7. 1927 – MS, 1 page, 30. 7. 1927 – TS, 1 page, 28.9.1927 – TS, 1 page, November 1928).

[25] Jindřich Honzl's family personal archives (JHFPA), folder No. 69. Poklad jezuitů [The Treasure of the Jesuits]. Registration No. 069a. Poklad jesuitů [The Treasure of the Jesuits]. [Prompt book – MS without pagination, Programme, 4 photographs.]. 1935.

[26] Jindřich Honzl's family personal archives (JHFPA), folder No. 85. Račte…, Mys Dobré naděje, Depeše [If You Please, The Cape of Good Hope, Despatch]. Registration No. 085 – II. Račte [If You Please]. [Prompt book.] 1928. MS. Without pagination. Contains translation of the play (TS, no pagination).

[27] Jindřich Honzl's family personal archives (JHFPA), Prague, folder No. 85. Račte…, Mys Dobré naděje, Depeše [If You Please, The Cape of Good Hope, Despatch]. Registration No. 085. Račte…? Od Bretona & Soupaulta. [If You Please…? By Breton & Soupault.] In Jindřich Honzl. Osvobozené divadlo [Liberated Theatre]. [Programme.] 1928. Without pagination.

[28] MARINETTI, Filippo Tommasso. 1913. Le Music-hall. In Giovanni Lista (ed.). Futurisme. Manifestes. Documents. Proclamations. Lausanne: L'Age d'homme, 1973.

[29] NEZVAL, Vítězslav. 1981. Depeše z konce tisíciletí [Despatch from the End of the Millenia]. Prague: Československý spisovatel, 1981.

[30] OBST, Milan and Adolf SCHERL. 1962. K dějinám české divadelní avantgardy. [On the History of Czech Theatrical Avant-garde]. Prague: Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd, 1962.

[31] P.L. 1928. La veuve de 'Judex' et les surréalistes. Paris-midi (23. 11. 1928): 2.

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[33] RIBEMONT-DESSAIGNES, Georges. 1958. Déjà jadis. Paris: Julliard, 1958.

[34] RUTTE, Mir.[oslav]. 1935. Z divadel mladých [From the Young Theatres]. Národní listy (19. 5. 1935): 15.

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[38] SOUPAULT, Philippe. 1981. Mémoires de l'oubli, 1914–1923. Paris: Lachenal & Ritter, 1981.

[39] SRBA, Bořivoj. 2004. Řečí světla [With the Language of Light]. Brno: JAMU, Divadelní fakulta, 2004.

[40] TEIGE, Karel. 1937. Poesie na jevišti [Poetry on Stage]. In Josef Träger (ed.). 10 let Osvobozeného divadla [Ten Years of the Liberated Theatre]. Prague: Fr. Borový, 1937: 55–72.