Voice mismatches beyond passives : sluicing with active impersonal antecedents

Název: Voice mismatches beyond passives : sluicing with active impersonal antecedents
Zdrojový dokument: Linguistica Brunensia. 2020, roč. 68, č. 2, s. 65-83
  • ISSN
    1803-7410 (print)
    2336-4440 (online)
Type: Článek
MURPHY, Andrew. Voice mismatches beyond passives: sluicing with active impersonal antecedents. Online. Linguistica Brunensia. 2020, roč. 68, č. 2, s. 65-83. ISSN 1803-7410 (print) (do r. 2023). Dostupné z: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/143289. [cit. 2025-01-10].

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While ellipsis tolerates various kinds of mismatches, sluicing does not allow for a mismatch in active/passive voice between an ellipsis site and its antecedent. Merchant's (2013) analysis of the impossibility of voice mismatches under sluicing involves syntactic identity and different features of the Voice head. I will show that this analysis incorrectly predicts that voice mismatches should be possible in the passive-like active impersonal constructions in Polish, Irish, and Estonian. However, the syntactic identity approach can be rescued by appealing to a different source for the identity violation, analogous to argument structure mismatches.
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