Název: Byzantium on the Theiss : of Byzantine diplomacy, the emperor's image and the Avars
Variantní název:
- Byzanc na Tise : o byzantské diplomacii, obrazu císaře a Avarech
Zdrojový dokument: Convivium. 2015, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 166-181
ISSN2336-3452 (print)2336-808X (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.1484/J.CONVI.5.111164
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/135722
Type: Článek
Jazyk shrnutí
Licence: Neurčená licence
Přístupová práva
plný text nepřístupný
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Settling in the Carpathian Basin in 567– 568 after the long trek from inner Asia, the pastoral Avars promoted the spread of late antique and early medieval Mediterranean cultures in general and, notably, Byzantine visual culture. Conversely, Avar culture itself underwent deep transformation as a result of diplomatic, political, and cultural encounters. These observations derive not only from Byzantine literary and material evidence, but also from analysis of a series of copper-based alloy cast belt ornaments and a gilt silver belt fitting of the mid-eighth century from the Carpathian Basin. These items all bear the portrait of a triumphant emperor of the late Roman type. This particular iconography was revived in eighth-century Constantinople by the emperors of the first Iconoclastic period, who sought appropriate visual tools expressing imperial power and superiority. In the course of a Byzantine diplomatic mission, a gift decorated with this imagery was sent to a member of the Avar elite to affirm, by visual means, that the recipient was a client of the Byzantine emperor.
This study was written with support from the research project OTKA-111853.