Název: The man who wasn't there? : Larry Kent and his early Vancouver films
Zdrojový dokument: The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2012, roč. 8, č. [1], s. 77-88
ISSN1213-7715 (print)2336-4556 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/125686
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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The article examines the early feature films by Larry Kent, The Bitter Ash (1963) and Sweet Substitute (1964). Shot in Vancouver, both independently produced and financed films offered viewers an unusually frank look at the life, problems and values of the West Coast young. The author briefly contextualizes the films and comments on Kent's authorial approaches and thematic preoccupations. The article aims at reinvigorating interest in Kent's work, for this idiosyncratic director played a major role in Canadian cinema of the 1960s and deserves recognition as one of the personalities heralding the renaissance of Canadian feature film. In the final section of the article the author discusses possible reasons for the apparent neglect of Kent's work by many Canadian film historians and critics and remarks on the multifaceted mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion at work in the world of Canadian film criticism and production.
Cet article vise à relancer l'intérêt pour le travail du cinéaste Larry Kent. L'article examine les premiers longs métrages de Kent, The Bitter Ash (1963) et Sweet Substitute (1964). Tournés à Vancouver, ces deux films proposent un regard inédit et original sur la vie, les problèmes et les valeurs des jeunes de la côte Ouest. L'article contextualise brièvement les films, précise les options cinématographiques et les paramètres distinctifs de l'approche de Kent, et focalise sur les préoccupations thématiques du cinéaste. L'interprétation proposée fait de Larry Kent un réalisateur singulier qui a joué un rôle majeur dans le cinéma canadien des années 1960 et mérite d'être reconnu comme l'une des personnalités qui annoncent la renaissance du long métrage canadien. Dans sa dernière partie, l'article examine les raisons possibles de la vague indifférence pour le travail de Kent affichée par de nombreux historiens et critiques de films canadiens. De manière générale, l'article contribue à démontrer que cette négligence n'est pas légitime.
[1] Boake, Terry (dir.). A Bitter High. Larry Kent's College Days. Vancouver: Department of Theater, Film and Creative Writing at the UBC, a Featured Frames Production, 2006. Documentary film. VHS.
[2] Conner, V.M. "Ash Flameless". The Ubyssey. October 11, 1963, 5.
[3] Douglas, Dave. "Exile on Hastings and Main Street: The Vancouver Films of Larry Kent". Canadian Journal of Film Studies, 2, 5 (1996), 85-99. | DOI 10.3138/cjfs.5.2.85
[4] Enemark, Brett. "The City as Other in Larry Kent's Film The Bitter Ash". West Coast Line, 2, 39 (2005), 237-243.
[5] Gasher, Mike. Hollywood North. The Feature Film Industry in British Columbia. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2002.
[6] Halfnights, Farrell. "Family Circle". The Ubyssey. October 11, 1963, 5.
[7] Handling, Piers. "Larry Kent Lost and Found: A Critical Rehabilitation". Cinema Canada/10, (1986), 10-16.
[8] Hays, Matthew. "The Kent files: basking in the glow of along-overdue, cross-country tour, Larry Kent, the man behind four sexually frank films of the 1960s, looks back on his outstanding body of work." Take 1, 43, 12 (2003). September 13. 2010. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=516488591&Fmt=3&clientId=6993&RQT=309&VName=PQD,.
[9] Kent, Larry (dir.). Sweet Substitute. Canadian Heritage, Patrimonie canadien, 2005. DVD.
[10] Kent, Larry (dir.). The Bitter Ash. Canadian Heritage, Patrimonie canadien, 2004. DVD.
[11] Melnyk, George. One Hundred Years of Canadian Cinema. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
[12] Morris, Peter."In Our Own Eyes: The Canonizing of Canadian Film". Canadian Journal of Film Studies, 1, 3. 1994, 27-43. | DOI 10.3138/cjfs.3.1.27
[13] Spaner, David. Dreaming in the Rain, How Vancouver Became Hollywood North by Northwest. Vancouver B.C.: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2003.
[14] Spaner, David. "Ten gems we won’t forget; The envelope please . . . for the most important movies in the history of Hollywood North". The Province. July 22, 2007, B3. September 13, 2010. http://search.proquest.com/docview/269500487
[15] Thody, Ron. "UBC-Made Film to Face Censor". The Ubyssey. October 11, 1963, 1.
[16] Wedman, Less. "Student’s Film Tells Trite Story". Vancouver Sun. October 9, 1963.
[17] Walz, Eugene P. (ed.). Canada's Best Features, Critical Essays of Fifteen Canadian Films. Amsterdam/New York, NY: Rodopi, 2002.
[18] White, Jerry (ed.) The Cinema of Canada. London and New York: Wallflower Press, 2006.
[2] Conner, V.M. "Ash Flameless". The Ubyssey. October 11, 1963, 5.
[3] Douglas, Dave. "Exile on Hastings and Main Street: The Vancouver Films of Larry Kent". Canadian Journal of Film Studies, 2, 5 (1996), 85-99. | DOI 10.3138/cjfs.5.2.85
[4] Enemark, Brett. "The City as Other in Larry Kent's Film The Bitter Ash". West Coast Line, 2, 39 (2005), 237-243.
[5] Gasher, Mike. Hollywood North. The Feature Film Industry in British Columbia. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2002.
[6] Halfnights, Farrell. "Family Circle". The Ubyssey. October 11, 1963, 5.
[7] Handling, Piers. "Larry Kent Lost and Found: A Critical Rehabilitation". Cinema Canada/10, (1986), 10-16.
[8] Hays, Matthew. "The Kent files: basking in the glow of along-overdue, cross-country tour, Larry Kent, the man behind four sexually frank films of the 1960s, looks back on his outstanding body of work." Take 1, 43, 12 (2003). September 13. 2010. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=516488591&Fmt=3&clientId=6993&RQT=309&VName=PQD,.
[9] Kent, Larry (dir.). Sweet Substitute. Canadian Heritage, Patrimonie canadien, 2005. DVD.
[10] Kent, Larry (dir.). The Bitter Ash. Canadian Heritage, Patrimonie canadien, 2004. DVD.
[11] Melnyk, George. One Hundred Years of Canadian Cinema. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
[12] Morris, Peter."In Our Own Eyes: The Canonizing of Canadian Film". Canadian Journal of Film Studies, 1, 3. 1994, 27-43. | DOI 10.3138/cjfs.3.1.27
[13] Spaner, David. Dreaming in the Rain, How Vancouver Became Hollywood North by Northwest. Vancouver B.C.: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2003.
[14] Spaner, David. "Ten gems we won’t forget; The envelope please . . . for the most important movies in the history of Hollywood North". The Province. July 22, 2007, B3. September 13, 2010. http://search.proquest.com/docview/269500487
[15] Thody, Ron. "UBC-Made Film to Face Censor". The Ubyssey. October 11, 1963, 1.
[16] Wedman, Less. "Student’s Film Tells Trite Story". Vancouver Sun. October 9, 1963.
[17] Walz, Eugene P. (ed.). Canada's Best Features, Critical Essays of Fifteen Canadian Films. Amsterdam/New York, NY: Rodopi, 2002.
[18] White, Jerry (ed.) The Cinema of Canada. London and New York: Wallflower Press, 2006.