Název: From white vs. native to white and native - going Indian, playing Indian and identifying with first nations values
Zdrojový dokument: The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 77-86
ISSN1213-7715 (print)2336-4556 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118325
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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The present paper explores an interesting aspect of trans-Atlantic and cross-cultural studies: the Native vs. white disparity in some stories of indigenization and its alleged replacement with the Native and white paradigm symbolically signifi ed by ethno-cultural hybrids. However, unlike captives and other involuntary shift ers, who create a genuine hybrid identity with authentic ethno-cultural markers, the Indian "wannabes" sustain the opposition between the two cultures, the barriers, and consequently the racial divides they intend to diminish. The overall implication is that since only the selected features of Native culture are seen as worth copying and assuming as part of one's identity, evidently "white" is still better; it just needs embellishment with a few "added Indian traits." Thus many artists continue to demonstrate the Native vs. white paradigm. More critical attention should be devoted to notions and nature of whiteness in order to further a subtle understanding of the cultural strongholds of colonialism and to acquire cultural sensitivity possessed by more authentic shifters.
La présente étude traite d'un aspect intéressant des études transatlantiques et multiculturelles, c'est-à-dire la disparité blanche vs. autochtone dans quelques histoires du devenir indien et son remplaçant présumé avec le paradigme autochtone et blanc symboliquement signifié par des hybrides ethnoculturels. Cependant, à la différence des captifs et d'autres transmutations involontaires qui créent une identité hybride véritable avec des marqueurs ethnoculturels authentiques, les prétendus connaisseurs des Indiens supportent l'opposition entre les deux cultures, les barrières et, par conséquent, les fossés raciaux qui sont enclins à diminuer. L'implication complète est que, puisqu'on voit les caractéristiques choisies de la culture autochtone comme valant la reproduction, et l'imitation comme la partie de son identité, évidemment le "blanc" est toujours meilleur, il a juste besoin de l'embellissement avec quelques-uns "des traits indiens supplémentaires." Ainsi, beaucoup d'artistes continuent à démontrer le paradigme blanc vs. autochtone. L'attention plus critique devrait être consacrée aux notions de blancheur pour une compréhension plus subtile des bastions culturels du colonialisme et acquérir la sensibilité culturelle possédée par des sujets de transmutation plus authentiques.
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[3] Bhabha, Homi. The Location of Culture. London: Routledge, 1994.
[4] Clifton, James A. Being and Becoming Indian: Biographical Studies of North American Frontiers. Chicago: Dorsey, 1989.
[5] Deloria, Philip J. Playing Indian. New Haven: Yale UP, 1998.
[6] Edwards, Brendan Frederick R.$""He Scarcely Resembles the Real Man": Images of the Indian in Popular Culture." http://scaa.sk.ca/ourlegacy/exhibit_popularculture
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[12] Kadar, Judit Ágnes . "Fictional In-Betweenness in Deborah Larsen's The White", 2003. Eger Journal of American Studies. Special Issue in Honor of Professor Zoltán Abádi-Nagy at 70. Vol. XII. Ed. Vadon Lehel. Eger: Líceum, 2010. 103-120.
[13] Kadar, Judit Ágnes. "A Szürke Bagoly szindróma tanulságai—az etnikai másságba vágyódás, indigenizáció és identitás diszlokáció néhány példája." MI/MÁS—Gondolatok a toleranciáról. (Conference Proceedings.) Eds. J. Kádár and A. Tarnóc. Eger: EKTF, 2009. 275-86.
[14] Kadar, Judit Ágnes. "Transcending Ethnicity: Dislocating the Self and Color-Lines by Constructing an Imaginary Other Self: The Camouflage Forest Superman of the White Savage." CrossSections. Vol. 2: Selected Papers in Literature and Culture form the 9th HUSSE Conference. Eds. A. Rouse, G. Szamosi, G. Vöő. Pécs: Institute of English Studies Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs, 2010. 323-332.
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[16] Kroetsch, Robert. Gone Indian. Toronto: Stoddart Publishing Co., 1999.
[17] Masgoret, Anne-Marie and Colleen Ward. "Culture Learning Approaches to Acculturation." in Sam, David L and J. W. Berry (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology. New York: Cambridge UP, 1992. 58-79.
[18] Larsen, Deborah. The White. New York: Knopf, 2002.
[19] Liebkind,Karmela. "Ethnic Identity and Acculturation." In Sam, David L and J. W. Berry (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology. New York: Cambridge UP, 1992. 78-92.
[20] O’Toole, Fintan. White Savage: William Johnson and the Invention of America. London: Faber and Faber, 2005.
[21] Ruffo, Armand Garnet. Grey Owl: the Mystery of Archibald Belaney. Regina, SK: Coteau, (1996) 4th printing 2000.
[22] Sam, David L and J. W. Berry (eds). The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology. New York: Cambridge UP, 1992.
[23] Seton, Ernest Thomson. The Gospel of the Red Man. N.p.: Doubleday, 1936.
[24] Smith, Donald B. Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, the Glorious Impostor. Red Deer, AB: Red Deer, 2000.
[25] Vivan, Itala. "Hybridity and Aesthetics in the Era of Postcolonial Literatures." In Therese Steffen: Crossover: Cultural Hybridity in Ethnic, Gender, Ethics. Staufenburg: Verl, 2000. 3-9.
[26] Wernitznig, Dagmar. Europe's Indians, Indians in Europe: European Perceptions and Appropriations of Native American Cultures from Pocahontas to the Present. 2007.
[2] Berry, John W. Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.
[3] Bhabha, Homi. The Location of Culture. London: Routledge, 1994.
[4] Clifton, James A. Being and Becoming Indian: Biographical Studies of North American Frontiers. Chicago: Dorsey, 1989.
[5] Deloria, Philip J. Playing Indian. New Haven: Yale UP, 1998.
[6] Edwards, Brendan Frederick R.$""He Scarcely Resembles the Real Man": Images of the Indian in Popular Culture." http://scaa.sk.ca/ourlegacy/exhibit_popularculture
[7] Ferguson, Jim. One Thousand White Women: The Journal of May Dodd. New York: St Martin's Griffin, 1998.
[8] Francis, Daniel. The Imaginary Indian: The Image of the Indian in Canadian Culture. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 1993.
[9] Goldie, Terry. Fear and Temptation: The Images of the Indigene in Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand Literatures. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1989.
[10] Isernhagen, Hartwig. "'Hybridity': The Play of Loss and Gain in (inter)cultural production—A Preliminary Statement." In Therese Steffen: Crossover: Cultural Hybridity in Ethnic, Gender, Ethics. Staufenburg: Verl, 2000. 35-46.
[11] Kadar, Judit Ágnes. "Archie, Who Are You Fooling, Anyway?—Fluid Narrative and Identity in Armand Garnet Ruffo's Grey Owl: The Mystery of Archibald Belaney,1996)." EJAS vol. X. (Canadiana special issue). Ed. L. Vadon. Eger: Lyceum, 2007. 35-56.
[12] Kadar, Judit Ágnes . "Fictional In-Betweenness in Deborah Larsen's The White", 2003. Eger Journal of American Studies. Special Issue in Honor of Professor Zoltán Abádi-Nagy at 70. Vol. XII. Ed. Vadon Lehel. Eger: Líceum, 2010. 103-120.
[13] Kadar, Judit Ágnes. "A Szürke Bagoly szindróma tanulságai—az etnikai másságba vágyódás, indigenizáció és identitás diszlokáció néhány példája." MI/MÁS—Gondolatok a toleranciáról. (Conference Proceedings.) Eds. J. Kádár and A. Tarnóc. Eger: EKTF, 2009. 275-86.
[14] Kadar, Judit Ágnes. "Transcending Ethnicity: Dislocating the Self and Color-Lines by Constructing an Imaginary Other Self: The Camouflage Forest Superman of the White Savage." CrossSections. Vol. 2: Selected Papers in Literature and Culture form the 9th HUSSE Conference. Eds. A. Rouse, G. Szamosi, G. Vöő. Pécs: Institute of English Studies Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs, 2010. 323-332.
[15] Kosic, Ankica. "Personality and Individual Factors in Acculturation." in Sam, David L and J. W. Berry (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology. New York: Cambridge UP, 1992. 113-24.
[16] Kroetsch, Robert. Gone Indian. Toronto: Stoddart Publishing Co., 1999.
[17] Masgoret, Anne-Marie and Colleen Ward. "Culture Learning Approaches to Acculturation." in Sam, David L and J. W. Berry (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology. New York: Cambridge UP, 1992. 58-79.
[18] Larsen, Deborah. The White. New York: Knopf, 2002.
[19] Liebkind,Karmela. "Ethnic Identity and Acculturation." In Sam, David L and J. W. Berry (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology. New York: Cambridge UP, 1992. 78-92.
[20] O’Toole, Fintan. White Savage: William Johnson and the Invention of America. London: Faber and Faber, 2005.
[21] Ruffo, Armand Garnet. Grey Owl: the Mystery of Archibald Belaney. Regina, SK: Coteau, (1996) 4th printing 2000.
[22] Sam, David L and J. W. Berry (eds). The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology. New York: Cambridge UP, 1992.
[23] Seton, Ernest Thomson. The Gospel of the Red Man. N.p.: Doubleday, 1936.
[24] Smith, Donald B. Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, the Glorious Impostor. Red Deer, AB: Red Deer, 2000.
[25] Vivan, Itala. "Hybridity and Aesthetics in the Era of Postcolonial Literatures." In Therese Steffen: Crossover: Cultural Hybridity in Ethnic, Gender, Ethics. Staufenburg: Verl, 2000. 3-9.
[26] Wernitznig, Dagmar. Europe's Indians, Indians in Europe: European Perceptions and Appropriations of Native American Cultures from Pocahontas to the Present. 2007.