Název: "It is America I can't contain" : poetry and identity in Anne Stevenson's Correspondences
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 1, s. [165]-173
ISSN0524-6881 (print)1805-0867 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/105086
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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Correspondences has a particularly important place in the work of the Anglo-American poet Anne Stevenson. Subtitled "A Family History in Letters", the text gathers together a variety of documents (not just letters) to tell the history of the Chandler-Boyd family of Vermont from the early nineteenth century through the 1970s. Stevenson sees the poem as an attempt to come to terms with an American identity and an American history. This essay offers a phonosemantic analysis of three passages from Correspondences, and indicates that while rhythmic, phonological, and syntactic order is hinted at, this is always undermined and denied. Thus, American identity is seen as disrupted and disjunctive. Rhythmic, phonological, and syntactic features are reinforced by enjambment, genre polymorphism, lack of textual cohesion, and fragmentariness of documentation.
[1] Bawr, Bruce (2006) 'Civilized Pleasures'. Hudson Review (Spring), 142–152.
[2] Corbett, Sarah (2001) 'Anne Stevenson'. Poetry Wales 36(3), 70–71.
[3] Levi, Peter (1987) 'Stinging Winter Sunshine'. The Poetry Review 77(3), 38.
[4] Mason, David (2009) 'Five Poets'. Hudson Review (Summer), 326–336.
[5] Olson, Ray (2008) 'Review of Stone Milk by Anne Stevenson'. Booklist (15 Feb.), 23.
[6] Stevenson, Anne (1979) 'Writing As a Woman'. In: Mary Jacobus (ed.) Women Writing and Writing about Women. London: Croom Helm, 159–176.
[7] Stevenson, Anne (1996) In: Thomas Riggs (ed.) Contemporary Poets 6th ed. Detroit: St John's Press, 1078–1080.
[8] Stevenson, Anne (2005) Poems 1955-2005. Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books.
[9] Stevenson, Anne (2007) 'The Unified Dance'. Poetry (March) 186(6), 483–489.
[10] Tracy, D.H. (2006) 'Review of Poems 1955-2005 by Anne Stevenson'. Poetry (May) 188(2), 169–170.
[2] Corbett, Sarah (2001) 'Anne Stevenson'. Poetry Wales 36(3), 70–71.
[3] Levi, Peter (1987) 'Stinging Winter Sunshine'. The Poetry Review 77(3), 38.
[4] Mason, David (2009) 'Five Poets'. Hudson Review (Summer), 326–336.
[5] Olson, Ray (2008) 'Review of Stone Milk by Anne Stevenson'. Booklist (15 Feb.), 23.
[6] Stevenson, Anne (1979) 'Writing As a Woman'. In: Mary Jacobus (ed.) Women Writing and Writing about Women. London: Croom Helm, 159–176.
[7] Stevenson, Anne (1996) In: Thomas Riggs (ed.) Contemporary Poets 6th ed. Detroit: St John's Press, 1078–1080.
[8] Stevenson, Anne (2005) Poems 1955-2005. Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books.
[9] Stevenson, Anne (2007) 'The Unified Dance'. Poetry (March) 186(6), 483–489.
[10] Tracy, D.H. (2006) 'Review of Poems 1955-2005 by Anne Stevenson'. Poetry (May) 188(2), 169–170.