À procura de valores estilísticos do artigo em português contemporâneo : tempo e espaço como factores linguísticos e extralinguísticos que compõem o semema do artigo

Název: À procura de valores estilísticos do artigo em português contemporâneo : tempo e espaço como factores linguísticos e extralinguísticos que compõem o semema do artigo
Zdrojový dokument: Études romanes de Brno. 2009, roč. 30, č. 1, s. [243]-255
  • ISSN
    1803-7399 (print)
    2336-4416 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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The usage of the article is a very complex problem that has to be studied from various angles and we try to incorporate here aspects that influence the correct selection of the articles, such as the type of contexts and objective and subjective factors. Till today, the theories and the analysis witch concern to this linguistic theme have been limited to the traditional grammars and some partial works. There are not a lot of theories witch clarify minutely all the aspects of the values of the indefinite, definite and zero article in the Portuguese language. The grammars of Portuguese language refer only the typical examples of the individualization, but they don't explain, for instance, the sense of the different contexts, they don't classify the different meanings and values of the articles. There is a lot of aspects to be studied, as, for instance, the synonymous relation between the definite and indefinite article, the knowledge of the extern reality, or the influences of the syntactic functions influence that affect the selection of the correct article. The article can be viewed as a stylization medium, which can, according to the context and to the operation of determination, influence the resulting meaning not only of the name but also of the phrase. We try to prove that the article has a very strong stylization's valor.
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