Název: Emocionální problémy nadaných dětí
Zdrojový dokument: Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. P, Řada psychologická. 1998, roč. 46, č. P2, s. [73]-81
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/114231
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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The emotional aspects or giftedness was investigated in repetitive research. Originally conducted by prof. Freeman, in Gulbekian study in Great Britain. A three way comparison was made of children labelled as gifted. non labelled children and matched children. but randomly chosen for ability. Results indicated that emotional problems were not due to gifted ability per se. but to other disturbing factors such as expectation of parents, inappropriate educational system.