Motiv oběti v eucharistické liturgii Jednoty bratrské

Název: Motiv oběti v eucharistické liturgii Jednoty bratrské
Variantní název:
  • The motif of sacrifice in the eucharistic liturgy of the Unitas fratrum
Zdrojový dokument: Religio. 2010, roč. 18, č. 1, s. [85]-102
  • ISSN
    1210-3640 (print)
    2336-4475 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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The study explores the motif of sacrifice in connection with the Eucharist in the theological and liturgical tradition of the early Unitas Fratrum. It argues that in the time of two important theologians, Řehoř Krajčí (✝ 1474) and Lukáš Pražský (✝ 1528), the theme of sacrifice of the Church was not taken out of the Eucharistic liturgy but was newly reflected and integrated into the liturgy. It was not conceived as a repeated sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ granting the forgiveness of sins but rather as a spiritual position of believers enabled through the saving sacrifice of Jesus Christ and by responding to it. Consequently it came to the liturgical expression in the form of sacrifice of a contrite heart, bread and wine as divine gifts and fruits of human labor, thanksgiving and intercessions. The first part traces the historical context: the concept of sacrifice in the Roman mass and its criticism by important reformers (Martin Luther, John Calvin, Martin Bucer). The next two parts explain how the sacrifice of the Church was conceived in the writings of Řehoř Krajčí and Lukáš Pražský and how their conception influenced the oldest liturgy of the Unitas Fratrum. The last part traces the development of the motif of sacrifice in later agendas to the Eucharist of the Unitas Fratrum until 1620.
Studie vznikla v rámci grantového projektu č. KJB901830902 "Hermeneutika liturgické tradice Jednoty bratrské", poskytnutého Grantovou agenturou Akademie věd ČR.