Název: Four essays on modern architecture
Dudás, Barbara (překladatel)
Rampley, Matthew (Author of Introduction)
Veszprémi, Nóra (Author of Introduction)
Zdrojový dokument: Art East Central. 2022, roč. [2], č. 2, s. 77-111
ISSN2695-1428 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/AEC2022-2-4
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.76700
Type: Jiný typ článku
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
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Virgil Bierbauer is known as perhaps the foremost champion of international modernism in architecture writing in Hungary between the wars. He was editor of the journal Tér és Forma (Space and Form) in the 1920s and 1930, which he used as a platform for disseminating awareness of debates and practices in contemporary architecture not only in Hungary but elsewhere in Europe and North America. Yet his work is almost entirely unknown, primarily because he wrote only in Hungarian. This group of four essays by Bierbauer from Tér és Forma has been translated into English to address this deficit of awareness. The essays are representative of different ideas and positions he took from 1928, the earliest he wrote, to 1946, when the latest of the four was published. The translations are prefaced with an Introduction that puts Bierbauer's work into an historical and intellectual context, as well as outlining some of his key ideas about architecture.
Introduction, by Matthew Rampley and Nóra Veszprémi (p. 78-87)
Architecture – the Art of Space, by Virgil Bierbauer (p. 88-93)
The Critic and the New Architecture, by Virgil Bierbauer (p. 94-98)
Stalinist Architecture, by Virgil Bierbauer (p. 99-100)
On Architectural Form Today, by Virgil Bierbauer (p. 101-111)
Introduction, by Matthew Rampley and Nóra Veszprémi (p. 78-87)
Architecture – the Art of Space, by Virgil Bierbauer (p. 88-93)
The Critic and the New Architecture, by Virgil Bierbauer (p. 94-98)
Stalinist Architecture, by Virgil Bierbauer (p. 99-100)
On Architectural Form Today, by Virgil Bierbauer (p. 101-111)