Ethical concerns of search technology : search engine bias

Název: Ethical concerns of search technology : search engine bias
Zdrojový dokument: ProInflow. 2022, roč. 14, č. 1-2, s. [156]-170
  • ISSN
    1804-2406 (online)
Type: Článek

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Purpose – Search engines are a dominant part of our everyday activities and lives. These tools support decision-making, play a crucial role in constructing knowledge, and have a significant impact on our individual and social behaviour. The paper is aimed at the search engine bias problem as one of the important ethical issues associated with search technology algorithmic design and development.
Design/Methodology/Approach – Conceptual analytical method and critical approach are applied to a problem of search engine bias. Based on analysis, typology of specific problems and solutions are summarized and characterized. ANT (actor-network theory) (Latour, 2005) was used to introduce model consisting of search engine bias problem actors present in a complex bidirectional relations.
Results – The focus of this conceptual article is mainly on search engine bias in connection with manipulation techniques such as SEO (search engine optimization) methods and paid results. Problems of Google as a gatekeeper, personalization, and biased algorithmic design are also further analysed in more detail. As a result of the analysis, possible solutions to the search engine bias problem are categorized and discussed.
Originality/Value – This work provides new insights into search engine bias problem in the context of recent technological development and trends. The current methods, principles, and frameworks as a solution to the ethical issues of search engine technology are summarized.
The article was developed in the framework of the VEGA 1 / 0360 / 21 project Social representations of ethical challenges of the digital information revolution.
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