Název: Vize a realita při výběru a přijímání nových učitelů : perspektivy pedagogických lídrů a začínajících učitelek
Variantní název:
- Vision and reality in the recruitment and hiring of new teachers : the perspective of pedagogical leaders and novice teachers
Zdrojový dokument: Studia paedagogica. 2024, roč. 29, č. 1, s. [57]-80
ISSN2336-4521 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/SP2024-1-3
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.80148
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
Přístupová práva
otevřený přístup
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V této studii se zabývám procesem výběru a přijímáním začínajících učitelů do českých škol. Výsledky vychází z analýzy kvalitativních hloubkových rozhovorů se šesti začínajícími učitelkami, čtyřmi řediteli a dvěma zástupci, kteří přijali tyto učitelky ve školním roce 2022/2023 do škol. Na základě výpovědí těchto aktérů jsem hledal odpovědět na to, jaké postupy lídři používají při výběru nových zaměstnanců, jaké důvody vedou lídry k výběru vhodného kandidáta, jakou roli v tomto výběru hraje vize školy a jaká očekávání mají od nově přijímaných učitelů. Identifikuji různá pojetí vizí lídrů, kterými se při výběru učitelů řídí. Analýza dat přesto odhalila, že lídři se ve volbě učitelek rozhodovali především podle osobních sympatií a vzájemného souznění během přijímacího rozhovoru. Zároveň analýza ukázala, že očekávání lídrů nebyla učitelkami dostatečně pochopena. Tohle nepochopení postupem času vedlo učitelky k přehodnocení své role a jejich postavení ve škole. Mnohdy je vedlo i k otázkám, zda chtějí ve škole nadále zůstat, či školu opustit.
In this study, I examine the process of recruting and hiring novice teachers in Czech schools. The results are based on an analysis of qualitative in-depth interviews with six novice teachers and six pedagogical leaders who recruited these teachers to schools in the 2022/2023 school year. Based on the narratives of these participants, I sought to answer what practices leaders use when selecting new teachers, what reasons leaders give for selecting a suitable candidate, what role the vision of the school plays in this selection process, and what expectations leaders have of newly hired teachers. I identify the different conceptions of leaders' visions that guide their teacher selection process. The data analysis reveals that leaders made their decisions in selecting the teachers under study mainly based on their personal sympathies and rapport during the recruitment interview. At the same time, the analysis revealed that the leaders' expectations were not sufficiently understood by the teachers. This lack of understanding over time led the teachers to re-evaluate their roles and their positions in the school, often influencing their thinking and often leading them to question whether they wanted to stay or leave the school.
Výzkum vznikl v rámci projektu Národního institutu SYRI (LX22NPO5101) financovaného EU – Next Generation EU (MŠMT, NPO: EXCELES).
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[4] Beteille, T., Kalogrides, D., & Loeb, S. (2009). Effective schools: Managing the recruitment, development, and retention of high-quality teachers. Working Paper 37. https://www.issuelab.org/resources/7137/7137.pdf
[5] Çakmak, M., Gündüz, M., & Emstad, A. B. (2018). Challenging moments of novice teachers: Survival strategies developed through experiences. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49(2), 147–162. https://doi.org/10.1080/0305764X.2018.1476465 | DOI 10.1080/0305764x.2018.1476465
[6] Calman, L., Brunton, L., & Molassiotis, A. (2013). Developing longitudinal qualitative designs: Lessons learned and recommendations for health services research. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 13(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2288-13-14 | DOI 10.1186/1471-2288-13-14
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[11] Darling-Hammond, L. (2021). Defining teaching quality around the world. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(3), 295–308. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2021.1919080 | DOI 10.1080/02619768.2021.1919080
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[15] Diamond, L. L., Demchak, M., & Abernathy, T. V. (2020). A survey of rural principals: Preferences regarding teacher candidates. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 39(3), 138–151. https://doi.org/10.1177/8756870520912996 | DOI 10.1177/8756870520912996
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[22] Ingle, K., Thompson, C. T., & Abla, Z. W. (2018). An exploration of preferred teacher characteristics and hiring tools in Belize. Journal of Educational Administration, 56(4), 414–428. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-05-2017-0051 | DOI 10.1108/jea-05-2017-0051
[23] Jabbar, H. (2018). Recruiting "talent": School choice and teacher hiring in New Orleans. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(1), 115–151. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013161X17721607 | DOI 10.1177/0013161x17721607
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[4] Beteille, T., Kalogrides, D., & Loeb, S. (2009). Effective schools: Managing the recruitment, development, and retention of high-quality teachers. Working Paper 37. https://www.issuelab.org/resources/7137/7137.pdf
[5] Çakmak, M., Gündüz, M., & Emstad, A. B. (2018). Challenging moments of novice teachers: Survival strategies developed through experiences. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49(2), 147–162. https://doi.org/10.1080/0305764X.2018.1476465 | DOI 10.1080/0305764x.2018.1476465
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[7] Coenen, J., Cornelisz, I., Groot, W., van den Brink, H. M., & Van Klaveren, C. (2018). Teacher characteristics and their effects on student test scores: A systematic review. Journal of Economic Surveys, 32(3), 848–877. https://doi.org/10.1111/joes.12210
[8] Coleman, J. S., Campbell, E. Q., Hobson, C. J., McPartland, J., Mood, A., Weinfield, F., & York, R. (1966). Equality of educational opportunity. National Center for Educational Statistics.
[9] Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (3rd ed.). Sage Publications. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781452230153
[10] Cranston, J. (2012). Exploring school principals' hiring decisions: Fitting in and getting hired. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/42835
[11] Darling-Hammond, L. (2021). Defining teaching quality around the world. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(3), 295–308. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2021.1919080 | DOI 10.1080/02619768.2021.1919080
[12] Davis, B. K., Ingle, W. K., & Choi, N. (2021). Preferred teacher applicant characteristics among school leaders in twelve kentucky rural and suburban school districts. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(3), 368–383. https://doi.org/10.1080/15700763.2019.1668427 | DOI 10.1080/15700763.2019.1668427
[13] Davis, J. H., Ruhe, J. A., Lee, M., & Rajadhyaksha, U. (2007). Mission possible: Do school mission statements work? Journal of Business Ethics, 70(1), 99–110. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-006-9076-7 | DOI 10.1007/s10551-006-9076-7
[14] Diamond, L. L., Abernathy, T. V., & Demchak, M. A. (2022). Principals' preferences in the hiring process: Is everything old new again? The Educational Forum, 86(3), 290–304. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131725.2021.1873474 | DOI 10.1080/00131725.2021.1873474
[15] Diamond, L. L., Demchak, M., & Abernathy, T. V. (2020). A survey of rural principals: Preferences regarding teacher candidates. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 39(3), 138–151. https://doi.org/10.1177/8756870520912996 | DOI 10.1177/8756870520912996
[16] Dvořák, D., & Trunda, J. (2017). Pedagogické vedení škol: analytická z práva. NIDV.
[17] Engel, M. (2013). Problematic preferences? A mixed method examination of principals' preferences for teacher characteristics in Chicago. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(1), 52–91. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013161X12451025 | DOI 10.1177/0013161x12451025
[18] Federičová, M. (2019). Mezinárodní srovnání ředitelů škol: české administrativní inferno. Národohospodářský ústav AV ČR.
[19] Feldman, A., & Costa, D. M. dos S. (2021). The temporary teachers' hiring policy in the municipal educational system of Cametá (Pará, Brazil, 2013–2020). Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29(January – July), 80. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.29.5687
[20] Foreman, L. M., & Maranto, R. (2017). Why mission matters more for (some) charter principals. School Leadership & Management, 38(3), 242–258. https://doi.org/10.1080/13632434.2017.1346601 | DOI 10.1080/13632434.2017.1346601
[21] Gagnon, A., Martin, M., & Goh, T. L. (2022). Fit to teach: Uncovering the hiring process. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 93(8), 34–40. https://doi.org/10.1080/07303084.2022.2108174 | DOI 10.1080/07303084.2022.2108174
[22] Ingle, K., Thompson, C. T., & Abla, Z. W. (2018). An exploration of preferred teacher characteristics and hiring tools in Belize. Journal of Educational Administration, 56(4), 414–428. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-05-2017-0051 | DOI 10.1108/jea-05-2017-0051
[23] Jabbar, H. (2018). Recruiting "talent": School choice and teacher hiring in New Orleans. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(1), 115–151. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013161X17721607 | DOI 10.1177/0013161x17721607
[24] Kantabutra, S. (2005). Improving public school performance through vision-based leadership. Asia Pacific Education Review, 6(2), 124–136. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03026780 | DOI 10.1007/bf03026780
[25] Kašpárková, V., Holečková, V., Hučín, J., Najvar, P., Píšová, M., Potužníková, E., Soukup, P., & Ševců, M. (2015). Analytická z práva z šetření TALIS 2013. Česká školní inspekce.
[26] Lazarová B., Pol, M., & Sedláček M. (2015). Mezinárodní šetření TALIS 2013. Souhrnná z práva mapující pedagogické vedení ředitelů základních škol v ČR. Česká školní inspekce.
[27] Lee, S. W., & Mao, X. (2023). Recruitment and selection of principals: A systematic review. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 51(1), 6 –29. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741143220969694
[28] OECD (2005). Teachers matter: Attracting, developing, and retaining effective teachers, education and training policy. OECD Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264018044-en
[29] OECD (2019). TALIS 2018 Results (Volume I): Teachers and school leaders as lifelong learners. OECD Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1787/1d0bc92a-en
[30] OECD. (2018). Indicator D6 Who makes key decisions in education systems? In Education at a Glance 2018: OECD Indicators (pp. 408–421). https://doi.org/10.1787/eag-2018-33-en
[31] Perrone, F., & Eddy-Spicer, D. (2021). Teacher hiring and fit within a diverse school district. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(2), 168–190. https://doi.org/10.1080/15700763.2019.1637903 | DOI 10.1080/15700763.2019.1637903
[32] Pol, M. (2007). Škola vedená, řízená a spravovaná. Pedagogika, 57(3), 213–226.
[33] Pol, M., Hloušková, L., Novotný, P. & Sedláček, M. (2009). Úvodní fáze profesní dráhy ředitelů základních škol. Studia paedagogica, 14(1). 109–126.
[34] Ransom, B., & Vlachopoulos, D. (2021). The meaning of mission statements to school practice and professional development: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Educar, 57(1), 49–63. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/educar.1126 | DOI 10.5565/rev/educar.1126
[35] Rozkovcová, A., & Novotová, J. (2019). Styly vedení školy a sociální klima učitelských sborů. ORBIS SCHOLAE, 12(3), 67-84. https://doi.org/10.14712/23363177.2019.8 | DOI 10.14712/23363177.2019.8
[36] Ryan, A., &Tippins, N. (2004). Attracting and selecting: What psychological research tells us. Human Resource Management, 43(4), 304–318. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.20026 | DOI 10.1002/hrm.20026
[37] Saleem, A., Aslam, S., Yin, H-b., & Rao, C. (2020). Principal leadership styles and teacher job performance: Viewpoint of middle management. Sustainability, 12(8). https://doi.org/10.3390/su12083390
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