Název: The universals of human nature : a method of their detection through scientific evidence and literary fiction
Zdrojový dokument: Pro-Fil. 2024, roč. 25, č. 2, s. 51-65
ISSN1212-9097 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/pf24-2-39121
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.81254
Type: Článek
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
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With the arrival of biological evolutionism and behaviourism, the concept of human nature has become very unstable. The proposed method for detecting the features of human nature based on discomfort allows us to reconsider human nature and regard the species as ontological entities. The human species is represented by biosubstrates that instantiate essential universals. When society restricts fundamental behavioural expressions, individuals experience discomfort, which leads to rebellion. These expressions of discomfort lead us to recognise the basic universals of human nature. Discomfort arises from the disruption of the symmetrical relationship between nature and nurture. These propositions are also supported in fiction, as seen in Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, 1984, The Island of Doctor Moreau, Men Like Gods, Abduction and Childhood's End.
This article was written within the project VEGA 2/0163/22 – Literature in bioethics and bioethics in literature.
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[3] Brown, D. E. (2004): Human Universals, Human Nature & Human Culture, Daedalus 133(4), 47–54, available at: < https://jstor.org/stable/20027944 >. | DOI 10.1162/0011526042365645
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[7] Cook, R. (2000): Abduction. London: Pan Books.
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[9] Firchow, P. E. (1966): The Satire Of Huxley's 'Brave New World', Modern Fiction Studies 12(4), 451–460, available at: < https://jstor.org/stable/26278482 >.
[10] Freeman, D. – Fox, J. J. (2017): Human Nature and Culture, Dilthey's Dream: Essays on human nature and culture, ANU Press, 1–24, available at: < https://jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1rfsrvv.4 >.
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[26] Skinner, B. F. (1976): About behaviorism. New York: Vintage.
[27] Smith, J. E. H. (2015): Nature, Human Nature & Human Difference. Race in Early Modern Philosophy, Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press.
[28] Suwara, B. (2021): Toward a bioethical perspective for posthumanistic aesthetics: Bioart as an example, World Literature Studies 31(3), available at: < https://dx.doi.org/10.31577/WLS.2021.13.1.7 >. | DOI 10.31577/wls.2021.13.1.7
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[30] Sýkora, P. (2007): Are species-kind and species-individual talks equivalent?, Academia.edu, [accessed 2024-12-15], available at: https://academia.edu/48805513/Are_Species_kind_and_Species_individual_Talks_Equivalent_.
[31] Tomašovičová, J. (2019): Relevance of ontological and anthropological concepts in synthetic biology, in Sýkora, P. (ed.) Promises and perils of emerging technologies for human condition, Peter Lang, 123–138, available at: https://dx.doi.org/10.3726/b15689 .
[32] Tomašovičová, J. (ed.) (2021): The Blurring of Boundaries in Bioscientific Discourse. Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
[33] Watson, J. B. (1970): Behaviorism, New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
[34] Wells, H. G. (1896): The Island of Doctor Moreau, New York: Stone & Kimball.
[35] Wells, H. G. (1923): Men like Gods, New York: Macmillan.
[36] Wilkinson, R. (2010): Teaching Dystopian Literature to a Consumer Class, The English Journal, 99(3), 22–26, available at: https://jstor.org/stable/40503477.
[37] Workman, L. – Reader, W. (2004): Evolutionary Psychology. An Introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[2] Bregman, R. (2020): Ľudskosť. Optimistická história človeka [from the Dutch original: De meeste mensen deugen; English translation: Humankind. A Hopeful History], Bratislava: N Press, s. r. o.
[3] Brown, D. E. (2004): Human Universals, Human Nature & Human Culture, Daedalus 133(4), 47–54, available at: < https://jstor.org/stable/20027944 >. | DOI 10.1162/0011526042365645
[4] Carroll, J. (2004): Literary Darwinism: Evolution, Human Nature, and Literature, New York: Routledge.
[5] Clarke, A. C. (2001): Childhood's end, London: Gollancz.
[6] Colossal Laboratories & Biosciences: The Mammoth, [online] [accessed 2024-12-15], available at: < https://colossal.com/mammoth/ >.
[7] Cook, R. (2000): Abduction. London: Pan Books.
[8] Duschinsky, R. (2012): 'Tabula Rasa' and Human Nature, Philosophy 87(342), 509–529, available at: < https://jstor.org/stable/41682980 >.
[9] Firchow, P. E. (1966): The Satire Of Huxley's 'Brave New World', Modern Fiction Studies 12(4), 451–460, available at: < https://jstor.org/stable/26278482 >.
[10] Freeman, D. – Fox, J. J. (2017): Human Nature and Culture, Dilthey's Dream: Essays on human nature and culture, ANU Press, 1–24, available at: < https://jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1rfsrvv.4 >.
[11] Fukuyama, F. (2002): Our Posthuman Future. Consequence of the Biotechnology Revolution, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
[12] Hull, D. L. (1986): On Human Nature, PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, 3–13, available at: < https://jstor.org/stable/192787 >.
[13] Huxley, A. (1946): Brave New World, New York and Evanston: Harper & Row, Publishers.
[14] Goetz C. D. – Pillsworth E. G. – Buss D. M. – Conroy-Beam D. (2019): Evolutionary Mismatch in Mating, Frontiers in Psychology, 10(2709), available at: < https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02709 >.
[15] Kluckhohn, C. – Murray, H. A. (1954): Personality Formation: The Determinants, in Kluckhohn, C. – Murray, H. A. (eds.) Personality in Nature, Society, and Culture, Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 53–67.
[16] Kripke, S. (1980): Naming and Necessity, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
[17] Kroeber, A. L. (1986): On Human Nature, Journal of Anthropological Research 42(3), 215–224, available at: < https://jstor.org/stable/3630028 >.
[18] Öhman, A. – Mineka, S. (2001): Fears, phobias, and preparedness: Toward an evolved module of fear and fear learning, Psychological Review 108(3), 483–522, available at: < https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0033-295x.108.3.483 >. | DOI 10.1037//0033-295x.108.3.483
[19] Orwell, G. (2020): 1984, Planet eBook.com, available at: < https://www.planetebook.com/1984/ >.
[20] Pavlinov, I. Y. (2023): The Species Problem. A Conceptual History, London: CRC Press.
[21] Plato (2000): The Republic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[22] Plomin, R. (2018): Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are, USA: MIT Press.
[23] Ridley, M. (2003): The Red Queen. Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature. New York: Harper Perennial.
[24] Roughgarden, J. (2017): Homosexuality and Evolution: A Critical Appraisal, in Tibayrenc, M. – Ayala F. J. (eds.) On Human Nature. Biology, Psychology, Ethics, Politics, and Religion. London, San Diego, Cambridge, Oxford: Academic Press, 495–516, available at: < https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-420190-3.00030-2 >.
[25] Seligman, M. E. P. (1971): Phobias and preparedness, Behavior Therapy 2(3), 307–320, available at: < https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0005-7894(71)80064-3 >.
[26] Skinner, B. F. (1976): About behaviorism. New York: Vintage.
[27] Smith, J. E. H. (2015): Nature, Human Nature & Human Difference. Race in Early Modern Philosophy, Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press.
[28] Suwara, B. (2021): Toward a bioethical perspective for posthumanistic aesthetics: Bioart as an example, World Literature Studies 31(3), available at: < https://dx.doi.org/10.31577/WLS.2021.13.1.7 >. | DOI 10.31577/wls.2021.13.1.7
[29] Sýkora, P. (2006): Historické esencie a problém univerzálií [Historical essences and the problem of universals], Pezinok: Vydavateľstvo Formát.
[30] Sýkora, P. (2007): Are species-kind and species-individual talks equivalent?, Academia.edu, [accessed 2024-12-15], available at: https://academia.edu/48805513/Are_Species_kind_and_Species_individual_Talks_Equivalent_.
[31] Tomašovičová, J. (2019): Relevance of ontological and anthropological concepts in synthetic biology, in Sýkora, P. (ed.) Promises and perils of emerging technologies for human condition, Peter Lang, 123–138, available at: https://dx.doi.org/10.3726/b15689 .
[32] Tomašovičová, J. (ed.) (2021): The Blurring of Boundaries in Bioscientific Discourse. Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
[33] Watson, J. B. (1970): Behaviorism, New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
[34] Wells, H. G. (1896): The Island of Doctor Moreau, New York: Stone & Kimball.
[35] Wells, H. G. (1923): Men like Gods, New York: Macmillan.
[36] Wilkinson, R. (2010): Teaching Dystopian Literature to a Consumer Class, The English Journal, 99(3), 22–26, available at: https://jstor.org/stable/40503477.
[37] Workman, L. – Reader, W. (2004): Evolutionary Psychology. An Introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.