A Byzantine grammar treatise attributed to Theodoros Prodromos

Název: A Byzantine grammar treatise attributed to Theodoros Prodromos
Zdrojový dokument: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2011, roč. 16, č. 1, s. [77]-86
  • ISSN
    1803-7402 (print)
    2336-4424 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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This paper is a first attempt to examine a relatively unknown Byzantine grammar attributed to the twelfth-century poet Theodoros Prodromos. The paper deals with various aspects of this work like the recent scholarly work, Prodromos' authorship, the manuscript tradition, and its purpose of composition. The main purpose of this article is therefore to highlight the importance of this obscure grammatical work in an attempt to set the ground for a future detailed study.