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Displaying 26 - 50 of 177

Kaczyńska, Elwira, Witczak, Krzysztof Tomasz. Cicadas in the Hesychian lexicon. Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2019, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 53–65.

Studia historica Brunensia, 2019, vol. 66, issue 1.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Myth: an attempt at understanding university history. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 10–19.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of autonomous university governance. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 159–187.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of contributing to society. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 125–158.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The history of university culture and some current issues. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 208–221.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of university freedom. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 20–37.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of the unified university. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 69–105.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Myth and traditions of Central European university culture : (an introduction for international readers). In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 7–9.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of territory. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 188–207.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Name index. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 242–245.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Mythen und Traditionen der mitteleuropäischen universitären Kultur : Zusammenfassung. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 222–223.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of indisputable foundations. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 106–124.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Bibliography and sources. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 224–241.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The Humboldtian myth. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 38–68.

Szweda, Adam. Lasset Prewssen Prewssen bleyben : die Heiden im Ordensland Preußen. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, vol. 66, iss. 2, pp. 159–169.

Baronas, Darius. Good faith and Realpolitik : approaching the art of politics of Lithuanian rulers in the fourteenth century. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, vol. 66, iss. 2, pp. 31–44.

Boček, Pavel. Der Metropolit Kiprian zwischen Vilnius und Moskau an der Wende vom 14. zum 15. Jahrhundert. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, vol. 66, iss. 2, pp. 63–79.

Jan, Libor. Litauen und die Könige von Böhmen (von den letzten Přemysliden bis zu Karl IV.). Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, vol. 66, iss. 2, pp. 5–15.

Mickūnaitė, Giedrė. Religious debate and visual compromise : interpreting Byzantine murals in Lithuania and Poland. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, vol. 66, iss. 2, pp. 127–157.

Kubon, Sebastian. Die Wahrnehmung der Litauer durch den Deutschen Orden um 1400 und die Rolle des kollektiven Gedächtnisses. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, vol. 66, iss. 2, pp. 81–92.

Polechov, Sergej Vladimirovič. Eine litauische Alternative für die ganze Rus'? : die Ostpolitik der litauischen Herrscher im ausgehenden Mittelalter : Ansprüche und Wirklichkeit. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, vol. 66, iss. 2, pp. 45–62.

Schmidt, Ondřej. The castle of Collalto at war : the social structure of the garrison and the organization of the system of defence in 1373. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, vol. 66, iss. 1, pp. 153–181.