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Displaying 26 - 50 of 97

Kožmín, Zdeněk. All that remains of an angel. Bohemica litteraria. 2020, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 135–141.

Tlustý, Jan. Contemplating literature with Jan Patočka : phenomenology as an inspiration for literary studies. Bohemica litteraria. 2020, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 81–98.

James, Petra. On mastodons, Faust and tight hugs : Jan Patočka on literature. Bohemica litteraria. 2020, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 51–68.

Horáková, Michaela. On Comenius's approaches to the Biblical texts in his Manual or Core of the Whole Saint Bible. Bohemica litteraria. 2016, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 29–39.

Fořt, Bohumil. The Prague School from a semiotic point of view. Bohemica litteraria. 2011, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 59–68.

Fořt, Bohumil. Jiří Kratochvil's postloved postmodern. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. V, Řada literárněvědná bohemistická. 2006, vol. 55, iss. V9, pp. 87–101.

Čáslavová, Petra. The Bulwark against trauma: poetry as a means of survival in totalitarian prisons. Bohemica litteraria. 2013, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 21–45.

Kratochvil, Jiří, Fišer, Zbyněk. The spoils of an existential journey : an interview with writer Jiří Kratochvil. Bohemica litteraria. 2013, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 95–98.

Fišer, Zbyněk. The Terezín diaries of Egon Redlich from the perspective of writing theory. Bohemica litteraria. 2013, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 47–55.

Vašíčková, Michaela, Fišer, Zbyněk. Bibliografie docenta PhDr. Zbyňka Fišera, Ph.D.. Bohemica litteraria. 2020, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 123–134.

Schildberger, František. Bibliografie. In: Schildberger, František. Podoby české literární reportáže. 2020, pp. 205–215.

Schildberger, František. The ways of Czech literary reportage : summary. In: Schildberger, František. Podoby české literární reportáže. 2020, pp. 203–204.

Hrabák, Josef. Remarks on the character of Czech pure-syllabic and syllabotonic verse. In: Hrabák, Josef. Polyglotta. 1971, pp. 44–48.

Hrabák, Josef. Otakar Theer and the beginnings of Czech accentual verse. In: Hrabák, Josef. Polyglotta. 1971, pp. 31–43.

Navrátilová, Olga. The word order of possessive pronouns in Old Czech : summary. In: Navrátilová, Olga. Slovosled posesivních zájmen ve staré češtině. 2018, pp. 204–208.

Horáková, Michaela. Summary. In: Horáková, Michaela. Karel Račín - nedoceněný barokní autor. 2005, pp. 109–110.

Altmann, Gabriel. The measurement of euphony. In: Teorie verše. I, Sborník brněnské versologické konference, 13.-16. května 1964. 1966, pp. 263–264.

Hrabák, Josef. The retrogressive theory of verse. In: Teorie verše. I, Sborník brněnské versologické konference, 13.-16. května 1964. 1966, pp. 9–21.

Bohemica litteraria. 2009–

Dědinová, Tereza. At the edge of the worlds: fantastic literature in interdisciplinary exploration : summary. In: Na rozhraní světů : fantastická literatura v mezioborovém zkoumání. 2016, pp. 371–372.

Lollok, Marek. Criticism in motion literary criticism and metacriticism of the 1990s : summary. In: Lollok, Marek. Kritika v pohybu : literární kritika a metakritika 90. let 20. století. 2019, pp. 169–171.

Hanzelková, Marie. Czech broadside ballads in the international context. Bohemica litteraria. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 5.

Škarpová, Marie. The Bohemian broadside on St Ivan of 1688 : the exception that proves the rule?. Bohemica litteraria. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 9–28.