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Displaying 326 - 350 of 486

Šefčík, Ondřej. Word borders in Old Indo-Aryan. In: Grammaticvs : studia linguistica Adolfo Erharto quinque et septuagenario oblata. 2001, pp. 156–164.

Toporov, Vladimir Nikolajevič. Др.-инд. prathamá- : к реконструкции одного из вариантов индоевропейской концепции "первого". In: Grammaticvs : studia linguistica Adolfo Erharto quinque et septuagenario oblata. 2001, pp. 165–174.

Schmalstieg, William R.. A common mistranslation of a few lines in the Igor tale. In: Grammaticvs : studia linguistica Adolfo Erharto quinque et septuagenario oblata. 2001, pp. 131–134.

Blažek, Václav. Indo-European kinship terms in *-ə̯2TER. In: Grammaticvs : studia linguistica Adolfo Erharto quinque et septuagenario oblata. 2001, pp. 24–33.

Valčáková, Pavla. Regardings PS *ědъ. In: Grammaticvs : studia linguistica Adolfo Erharto quinque et septuagenario oblata. 2001, pp. 201–205.

Vacek, Jaroslav. Dravidian and Altaic "hot - fire - heat" : (dedr 1458 and the related etyma with initial k-/g-). In: Grammaticvs : studia linguistica Adolfo Erharto quinque et septuagenario oblata. 2001, pp. 175–200.

Bubeník, Vít. On the remaking of the middle voice in Indo-Iranian. In: Grammaticvs : studia linguistica Adolfo Erharto quinque et septuagenario oblata. 2001, pp. 34–44.

Bibliografie Adolfa Erharta. In: Grammaticvs : studia linguistica Adolfo Erharto quinque et septuagenario oblata. 2001, pp. 14–23.

Šefčík, Ondřej, Bičanová, Lenka. Bibliografie. In: Šefčík, Ondřej. , Bičanová, Lenka. Gramatický přehled sanskrtu. 2014, pp. 105.

Schwarz, Michal, Srba, Ondřej. Bibliografie. In: Schwarz, Michal. , Srba, Ondřej. Vietnam v éře západních velmocí. 2016, pp. 171–188.

Schwarz, Michal, Srba, Ondřej. Vietnam in the era of Western powers : summary. In: Schwarz, Michal. , Srba, Ondřej. Vietnam v éře západních velmocí. 2016, pp. 189–190.

Pražák, Richard. Einleitung. In: Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský als Hungarist und Finno-Ugrist. 1967, pp. 7.

Pražák, Richard. Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis. In: Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský als Hungarist und Finno-Ugrist. 1967, pp. 145–160.

Pražák, Richard. Йозеф Добровский - Угрист и финно-угрист. In: Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský als Hungarist und Finno-Ugrist. 1967, pp. 166–170.

Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský as an expert in Hungarian and Fenno-Ugric. In: Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský als Hungarist und Finno-Ugrist. 1967, pp. 171–176.

Seznam pramenů a literatury. In: Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský : hungarista a ugrofinista. 2019, pp. 109–122.

Wiemer, Björn. Directive-optative markers in Slavic : observations on their persistance and change. Linguistica Brunensia. 2023, vol. 71, iss. 1, pp. 5–45.

Mendoza, Imke. Between relativization and complementation? : usage patterns of Old Polish co. Linguistica Brunensia. 2023, vol. 71, iss. 1, pp. 47–60.

Słoboda, Agnieszka. The syntax of Kazania Gnieźnieńskie in the light of their genetic multilayering. Linguistica Brunensia. 2023, vol. 71, iss. 1, pp. 61–73.

Knoll, Vladislav. The layers of function words in Moldavian Slavonic texts (15th – 16th centuries). Linguistica Brunensia. 2023, vol. 71, iss. 1, pp. 75–86.

Györfi, Beáta. Auxiliary clitics in Old Russian chronicles. Linguistica Brunensia. 2023, vol. 71, iss. 2, pp. 39–57.

Březina, Martin. Distribution of (non-)syllabic present tense forms of the verb býti in the 3rd-person singular in Old Czech. Linguistica Brunensia. 2023, vol. 71, iss. 2, pp. 59–81.

Vykypěl, Bohumil. E. F. K. Koerner (5 February 1939 – 6 January 2022). Linguistica Brunensia. 2023, vol. 71, iss. 2, pp. 91–94.

Krčmová, Marie. Literatura. In: Krčmová, Marie. Běžně mluvený jazyk v Brně. 1981, pp. 191–193.