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Displaying 51 - 75 of 179

Rabušic, Ladislav. The Czech society is aging : on social and economic implications of demographic aging : summary. In: Rabušic, Ladislav. Česká společnost stárne. 1995, pp. 184–192.

Keller, Jan. Social action from the point of view of marxian sociology. In: Keller, Jan. Sociální jednání : z hlediska marxistické sociologie. c1988, pp. 108–110.

Kšicová, Danuše. Art nouveau : word and image. In: Kšicová, Danuše. Secese : slovo a tvar. 1998, pp. 293–297.

Bohemica litteraria. 2009–

Sirovátka, Oldřich. Departures from enterprises. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 117–141.

Řezníček, Ivo. Local institutions of health service and social welfare. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 72–92.

Dědinová, Tereza. At the edge of the worlds: fantastic literature in interdisciplinary exploration : summary. In: Na rozhraní světů : fantastická literatura v mezioborovém zkoumání. 2016, pp. 371–372.

Špačková, Stanislava. Equivalence of proper nouns in Russian and Czech: proper nouns in translation : summary. In: Špačková, Stanislava. Rusko-česká ekvivalence propriálního lexika : vlastní jména v překladu. 2017, pp. 175–178.

Jiráček, Jiří. Summary : substantives with international suffixes in present-day Russian. In: Jiráček, Jiří. Интернациональные суффиксы существительных в современном русском языке : (структурно-сопоставительное исследование). 1971, pp. 260–264.

Lollok, Marek. Criticism in motion literary criticism and metacriticism of the 1990s : summary. In: Lollok, Marek. Kritika v pohybu : literární kritika a metakritika 90. let 20. století. 2019, pp. 169–171.

Musil, Libor. Participation. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 26–52.

Reference. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 142–146.

Mareš, Petr. Legitimacy. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 53–71.

Řezníček, Ivo, Sirovátka, Oldřich. Long-term unemployment in a semi-rural county. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 93–115.

Možný, Ivo. Introduction. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 9–25.

Nerudová, Liliana. Summary. In: Nerudová, Liliana. Partnerské vztahy mládeže a jejich sociální rizika. c1987, pp. 135–140.

Hanzelková, Marie. Czech broadside ballads in the international context. Bohemica litteraria. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 5.

Škarpová, Marie. The Bohemian broadside on St Ivan of 1688 : the exception that proves the rule?. Bohemica litteraria. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 9–28.

Drozda, Martin. Znojmo chapbooks with false imprints and tools for their detection. Bohemica litteraria. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 29–46.

Ivánek, Jakub. Songs about St. John of Nepomuk from the 17th to the 19th century (especially broadside ballads). Bohemica litteraria. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 67–88.

Kotšmídová, Alena. Peter of Provence and fair Maguelonne : from a French mediaeval romance to a Czech broadside ballad. Bohemica litteraria. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 89–108.

Frolcová, Věra, Kosek, Pavel, Bočková, Hana, Holubová, Markéta, Slavický, Tomáš. Song of a deaf-mute shepherd : a Czech broadside ballad between the oral and printed tradition : an interdisciplinary case study. Bohemica litteraria. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 109–132.

Poláková, Jana, Waschková Císařová, Lenka. The maintenance and transmission of memory through media : a murder in broadside ballads, news periodicals, and oral tradition. Bohemica litteraria. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 133–152.