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Displaying 1 - 25 of 42

Fokas, Nikos. Greeks in Hungary : from the Orthodox Greek merchants to the refugees of the Greek Civil War. Neograeca Bohemica. 2023, vol. 23, iss. [1], pp. 15–39.

Abdelsayed, Michael. [N. + N.] compounds in Medieval Greek : Constantine Manasses's Synopsis Chronike as a case study. Neograeca Bohemica. 2023, vol. 23, iss. [1], pp. 85–113.

Bintoudis, Christos. From a world in progress to an inclusive society : the case of Cavafy. Neograeca Bohemica. 2023, vol. 23, iss. [1], pp. 138–145.

Fröhlich, Julia. [Hantzaroula, Pothiti. Child survivors of the Holocaust in Greece : memory, testimony and subjectivity]. Neograeca Bohemica. 2023, vol. 23, iss. [1], pp. 161–163.

Macha-Bizoumi, Nadia. [Dinu, Tudor. Μόδα και πολυτέλεια στη Βλαχία της Ελληνικής επανάστασης]. Neograeca Bohemica. 2023, vol. 23, iss. [1], pp. 167–170.

Corrigenda. Neograeca Bohemica. 2023, vol. 23, iss. [1], pp. 191.

List of contributors. Neograeca Bohemica. 2023, vol. 23, iss. [1], pp. 192–[193].

Neograeca Bohemica. 2014–

List of contributors. Neograeca Bohemica. 2016, vol. 16, iss. [1], pp. 166–[167].

Tsapanidou, Anastasia. Mirrors in 19th-century Greek prose fiction: The King of Hades (Constantinople, 1882). Neograeca Bohemica. 2019, vol. 19, iss. [1], pp. 25–46.

Lalić, Jan. 2015 Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence. Neograeca Bohemica. 2015, vol. 15, iss. [1], pp. 120–122.

Bočková Loudová, Kateřina, Kulhánková, Markéta. Editorial : in Memoriam Růžena Dostálová (22.4.1924 Bratislava – 18.8.2014 Prague). Neograeca Bohemica. 2014, vol. 14, iss. [1], pp. 11–[13].

Tsivos, Konstantinos. The Greek Civil War in the Czech press. Neograeca Bohemica. 2015, vol. 15, iss. [1], pp. 65–87.

List of contributors. Neograeca Bohemica. 2015, vol. 15, iss. [1], pp. 135.

Ricks, David. From Ulysses to S. Simeon Stylites : Cavafy's debt to Tennyson. Neograeca Bohemica. 2010, vol. 10, iss. [1], pp. 21–33.

Tiktopoulou, Katerina, Petridou, Eleni, Vasileiadis, Vasilis, Saggou, Anna, Theodoridis, Kostas. Digitizing Dionysios Solomos' manuscripts. Neograeca Bohemica. 2020, vol. 20, iss. [1], pp. 71.

Iatrou, Maria. Human apes and the dual self: notes on the intertext of Ο Πίθηκος Ξουθ (Xouth the Αpe) by Iakovos Pitsipios. Neograeca Bohemica. 2017, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 9–29.

List of contributors. Neograeca Bohemica. 2017, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 110–[111].

Kokkinidou, Anna. An epic journey: Ioannis Kazazis (1947–2021). Neograeca Bohemica. 2021, vol. 21, iss. [1], pp. 75–77.

Dzurillová, Zuzana. The historical present tense in Vitsentzos Kornaros' Erotokritos: narratological and philological insight. Neograeca Bohemica. 2021, vol. 21, iss. [1], pp. 9–25.

Maštalířová Mitrengová, Zuzana. Female protagonists in the Late Byzantine romances Livistros and Rodamni and Achilleid as seen through Greimas' actantial model. Neograeca Bohemica. 2021, vol. 21, iss. [1], pp. 27–40.

List of contributors. Neograeca Bohemica. 2021, vol. 21, iss. [1], pp. 106–[107].