Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Šeďová, Klára, Švaříček, Roman, Sedláček, Martin, Šalamounová, Zuzana.
On the way to dialogic teaching: action research as a means to change classroom discourse. Studia paedagogica. 2014, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 9–43.
Gallardo Echenique, Eliana.
An integrative review of literature on learners in the digital era. Studia paedagogica. 2014, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 161–184.
Rißler, Georg, Bossen, Andrea, Blasse, Nina.
School as space: spatial alterations, teaching, social motives, and practices. Studia paedagogica. 2014, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 145–160.
Novotný, Petr, Brücknerová, Karla.
Intergenerational learning among teachers: an interaction perspective. Studia paedagogica. 2014, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 45–79.
Gobbo, Francesca.
"Send in the clowns!", or the Imagination at work: the narratives of three pediatric ward clowns. Studia paedagogica. 2014, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 101–120.
Šeďová, Klára.
What can be better than the best?. Studia paedagogica. 2014, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 185–189.
Zábrodská, Kateřina, Mudrák, Jiří, Květoň, Petr, Blatný, Marek, Machovcová, Kateřina, Šolcová, Iva.
Work environment and well-being of academic faculty in Czech universities: a pilot study. Studia paedagogica. 2014, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 121–144.
Penninckx, Maarten, Vanhoof, Jan, Van Petegem, Peter.
Evaluating the effectiveness of a professional development programme on pupil well-being in primary schools. Studia paedagogica. 2014, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 81–100.