Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Nilsson, Ingela.
Imitation as spoliation, reception as translation : the art of transforming things in Byzantium. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 20–37.
Jevtić, Ivana.
Reuse and remodeling in the Late Byzantine world: the Church of Bogorodica Ljeviška in Prizren. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 132–155.
van den Berg, Baukje.
Eustathios' Homeric commentaries: translating Homer and spoliating ancient traditions. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 116–131.
Hallenberg, Emelie.
Translating and spoliating the Byzantines: the receptions and remodelings of a Komnenian novel in early modern France. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 178–191.
Mathews, Karen Rose.
Speaking antiquity: ancient spolia as a visual koine in the medieval Mediterranean (12th to 15th Century). Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 38–59.
Bergmeier, Armin F..
Antiquarian displays of spolia and Roman identity: San Marco, Merbaka, and the Seljuk caravanserais. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 76–97.
Jevtić, Ivana, Nilsson, Ingela.
Towards an empathetic approach to material and literary spolia. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 11–17.
Yalman, Suzan.
Translating spolia: a recent discovery of fragments from the walls of Seljuk Konya and their afterlives. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 156–177.
Heilo, Olof.
Postscript: The Meaning of Ruins. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 194–199.
Mullett, Margaret.
Spoiling the Hellenes: intertextuality, appropriation, embedment: the case of the Christos Paschon. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 98–115.
Arslan, C. Ceyhun.
Spolia and textual reincarnations: a reassessment of the Hagia Sophia's history. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 60–75.