Displaying 1 - 25 of 46
Lidova, Maria.
Maria Regina : transformations of an early Byzantine image in late eighth-century Rome. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 136–153.
Ballardini, Antonella, Caperna, Maurizio.
A Santa Prassede, nella Gerusalemme nuova : l'assetto architettonico dello spazio absidale, l'arredo e la disposizione liturgica. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 177–205.
Croci, Chiara.
Una questione romana? : la (ri)nascita della pittura narrativa martiriale nell'alto Medioevo: altri spunti da Santa Prassede. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 86–103.
Bordino, Chiara, Mancho, Carles.
Con i santi nella Gerusalemme nuova : il presbiterio di Santa Prassede tra pittura e mosaici. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 206–237.
Mainoldi, Ernesto Sergio.
The Representation of Sacred Royalty in the codices of Charles the Bald and the Furtherance of Romanness in the Late Carolingian Age. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 50–69.
Fishhof, Gil.
The meanings of Byzantium : the church of Abu-Ghosh (Emmaus) and the meanings of Byzantine pictorial language in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 14–35.
Schulz, Vera-Simone.
Artistic exchanges across Afro-Eurasia : a global taste for metal artifacts from Mamluk Syria and Egypt in Italy, West Africa, and China in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 132–157.
Molteni, Ilaria, Quadri, Irene.
Trame di storia : il mosaico di Otranto, le cronache universali e l'immagine della regalità. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 110–131.
Bacci, Michele.
[Immerzeel, Mat. The narrow way to heaven: identity and identities in the art of Middle Eastern Christianity]. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 188–191.
Bergmeier, Armin F..
Die Ausmalungen der Wiener Virgilkapelle : die visuelle Kultur in Byzanz, im Kaukasus, in Syrien und Nordmesopotamien. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 36–57.
Janjalia, Mzia.
Cross-cultural features in medieval art : the case of the early fourteenth-century wall paintings at the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 74–91.
Foletti, Ivan, Frantová, Zuzana.
Exchanges and interactions in a time of pandemic. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 11–12.
Bacci, Michele, Dell'Acqua, Francesca, Foletti, Ivan, Michalsky, Tanja, Krüger, Klaus, Romano, Serena, Belting, Hans, Kesner, Ladislav.
Roundtable: Medieval art today, why?. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 160–185.
Foletti, Ivan.
[Dell'Acqua, Francesca. Iconophilia: politics, religion, preaching, and the use of images in Rome, c. 680–880]. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 192–198.
Marušić, Matko Matija.
Painted crosses and the trajectories of medieval image captions : evidence from thirteenth-century Zadar and beyond. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 92–109.
Palladino, Adrien.
[Bergmeier, Armin F. Visionserwartung: Visualisierung und Präsenzerfahrung des Göttlichen in der Spätantike]. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 199–202.
Vryzidis, Nikolaos.
Between three worlds : the "Veneto-Saracenic" candleholder of Docheiariou Monastery. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 58–73.
Kessler, Herbert L., Romano, Serena.
A hub of art : in, out, and around Venice, 1177–1499 : introduction. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 17–51.