Title: Notes on reduplicative words in English
Source document: Brno studies in English. 1998, vol. 24, iss. 1, pp. [33]-78
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104026
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
[1] AYTO, John - SIMPSON, John (1992). The Oxford dictionary of modern slang, Oxford (OXF)
[2] BLATNÁ, Renata (1990). Binomiály typu "techtle mechtle" v češtině, ruštině a angličtině [Binomials of the 'techtle mechtle' type in Czech, Russian and English], Slavia 59.169-82 (BLA)
[3] BLOOMFIELD, Morton W. - NEWMARK , Leonard (1963). A linguistic introduction to the history of English, New York (BN)
[4] BROWN, Lesley, ed. (1993). The new shorter Oxford dictionary on historical principles, Oxford (SO, SOD)
[5] CAMBRIDGE international dictionary of English, editor-in-chief Paul PROCTER, Cambridge 1995 (CI)
[6] COLLINS COBUILD English dictionary, editor in chief: John SINCLAIR, London 1995 (CC)
[7] COLLINS English dictionary, Glasgow 1994 (CED, CE)
[8] GLӒSER, Rosemarie (1995). Linguistic features and genre profiles of scientific English, Frankfurt a.M.
[9] GREEN,.Jonathan (1986). The slang thesaurus (London).
[10] HANSEN, Barbara - HANSEN, Klaus - ALBRECHT, Norbert - SCHENTKE, Manfred (1982). Englische Lexikologie. Einführung in Wortbildung und lexikalische Semantik, Leipzig
[11] HANSEN, Klaus (1964). Reim - und Ablautverdoppelungen, ZAA 12.5-31 (HAZ)
[12] HARRAPS's essential English dictionary, managing editor: Ellaine HIGGLETON, senior editor: Anne SEATON, Edinburgh 1995 (HE)
[13] HLADKÝ, Josef (1996). Zdvojování jako slovotvorný prostředek v češtině a angličtině [Reduplication as word-formative means in Czech and English], Časopis pro moderní filologii 78.79-87 (Praha)
[14] HORNBY, A. S., Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English, Fifth edition by Jonathan CROWTHER, Oxford 1995 (OA)
[15] JESPERSEN, Otto (1942). A modern English grammar, Part VI, Morphology, Copenhagen (JES)
[16] JONES, Daniel (1997). English pronouncing dictionary, 15th edition edited by Peter ROACH and James HARTMAN , pronunciation asociate Jane SETTER, Cambridge (JO)
[17] KIRCHNER, Gustav (1956). Der Reimklang im Englischen. ZAA 4, 1956, 389-477 (KIR)
[18] KIRCHNER, Gustav. (1959). Der Reimklang in Englischen (Nachtraäge). ZAA 7, 1959, 281-7 (KIR)
[19] KLÉGR, Aleš (1991). A note on binomials in English and Czech, Prague studies in English 19.83-8
[20] KOZIOL, Herbert (1937). Handbuch der englischen Wortbildungslehre, Heidelberg (KOZ)
[21] LEHNERT, Martin (1971). Reverse dictionary of present-day English, Leipzig
[22] Longman dictionary of contemporary English, Burtn Mill 1995 (LC)
[23] MACHEK, Václav (1986). Etymologický slovník jazyka českého a slovenského, Praha
[24] MARCHAND, Hans (1969). The categories and types of present-day English word-formation, München (MAR)
[25] MELKIEL, Y. (1959). Studies in irreversible binomials, Lingua 8.113-60.
[26] MLUVNICE češtiny I, Praha 1986
[27] PEPRNÍK, Jaroslav (1992). Anglická lexikologie, Olomouc
[28] POTT, August Friedrich (1862). Doppelung (Reduplikation, Gemmination) als eines der wichtigsten Bildungsmittel der Sprache, Lemgo & Detmold
[29] QUIRK, Randolph, Sidney GREENBAUM, Geoffrey LEECH, Jan SVARTVIK (1985). A comprehensive grammar of the English language, London
[30] SAUER, Hans (1992). Nominalkomposita im Frühmittelenglischen, Tübingen
[31] SOUDEK, Lev (1967). Structure of substandard words in British and American English, Bratislava
[32] THORNE, Tony (1990). Bloomsbury dictionary of contemporary slang, London (BL)
[33] THUN, Nils (1963). Reduplicative words in English. A study of formations of the types tick-tick, hurly-burly and shilly-shally (Uppsala; THU)
[34] WELLS, J. C. (1990). Longman pronunciation dictionary, Burnt Mill (LP)
[35] WENTWORTH, Harold (1944). American dialect dictionary, New York (WEN)
[36] WHEATLEY, Henry B. (1866). A dictionary of reduplicated words in the English Language, Appendix to The transactions of the philological Society for 1865, London (WHE)
[2] BLATNÁ, Renata (1990). Binomiály typu "techtle mechtle" v češtině, ruštině a angličtině [Binomials of the 'techtle mechtle' type in Czech, Russian and English], Slavia 59.169-82 (BLA)
[3] BLOOMFIELD, Morton W. - NEWMARK , Leonard (1963). A linguistic introduction to the history of English, New York (BN)
[4] BROWN, Lesley, ed. (1993). The new shorter Oxford dictionary on historical principles, Oxford (SO, SOD)
[5] CAMBRIDGE international dictionary of English, editor-in-chief Paul PROCTER, Cambridge 1995 (CI)
[6] COLLINS COBUILD English dictionary, editor in chief: John SINCLAIR, London 1995 (CC)
[7] COLLINS English dictionary, Glasgow 1994 (CED, CE)
[8] GLӒSER, Rosemarie (1995). Linguistic features and genre profiles of scientific English, Frankfurt a.M.
[9] GREEN,.Jonathan (1986). The slang thesaurus (London).
[10] HANSEN, Barbara - HANSEN, Klaus - ALBRECHT, Norbert - SCHENTKE, Manfred (1982). Englische Lexikologie. Einführung in Wortbildung und lexikalische Semantik, Leipzig
[11] HANSEN, Klaus (1964). Reim - und Ablautverdoppelungen, ZAA 12.5-31 (HAZ)
[12] HARRAPS's essential English dictionary, managing editor: Ellaine HIGGLETON, senior editor: Anne SEATON, Edinburgh 1995 (HE)
[13] HLADKÝ, Josef (1996). Zdvojování jako slovotvorný prostředek v češtině a angličtině [Reduplication as word-formative means in Czech and English], Časopis pro moderní filologii 78.79-87 (Praha)
[14] HORNBY, A. S., Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English, Fifth edition by Jonathan CROWTHER, Oxford 1995 (OA)
[15] JESPERSEN, Otto (1942). A modern English grammar, Part VI, Morphology, Copenhagen (JES)
[16] JONES, Daniel (1997). English pronouncing dictionary, 15th edition edited by Peter ROACH and James HARTMAN , pronunciation asociate Jane SETTER, Cambridge (JO)
[17] KIRCHNER, Gustav (1956). Der Reimklang im Englischen. ZAA 4, 1956, 389-477 (KIR)
[18] KIRCHNER, Gustav. (1959). Der Reimklang in Englischen (Nachtraäge). ZAA 7, 1959, 281-7 (KIR)
[19] KLÉGR, Aleš (1991). A note on binomials in English and Czech, Prague studies in English 19.83-8
[20] KOZIOL, Herbert (1937). Handbuch der englischen Wortbildungslehre, Heidelberg (KOZ)
[21] LEHNERT, Martin (1971). Reverse dictionary of present-day English, Leipzig
[22] Longman dictionary of contemporary English, Burtn Mill 1995 (LC)
[23] MACHEK, Václav (1986). Etymologický slovník jazyka českého a slovenského, Praha
[24] MARCHAND, Hans (1969). The categories and types of present-day English word-formation, München (MAR)
[25] MELKIEL, Y. (1959). Studies in irreversible binomials, Lingua 8.113-60.
[26] MLUVNICE češtiny I, Praha 1986
[27] PEPRNÍK, Jaroslav (1992). Anglická lexikologie, Olomouc
[28] POTT, August Friedrich (1862). Doppelung (Reduplikation, Gemmination) als eines der wichtigsten Bildungsmittel der Sprache, Lemgo & Detmold
[29] QUIRK, Randolph, Sidney GREENBAUM, Geoffrey LEECH, Jan SVARTVIK (1985). A comprehensive grammar of the English language, London
[30] SAUER, Hans (1992). Nominalkomposita im Frühmittelenglischen, Tübingen
[31] SOUDEK, Lev (1967). Structure of substandard words in British and American English, Bratislava
[32] THORNE, Tony (1990). Bloomsbury dictionary of contemporary slang, London (BL)
[33] THUN, Nils (1963). Reduplicative words in English. A study of formations of the types tick-tick, hurly-burly and shilly-shally (Uppsala; THU)
[34] WELLS, J. C. (1990). Longman pronunciation dictionary, Burnt Mill (LP)
[35] WENTWORTH, Harold (1944). American dialect dictionary, New York (WEN)
[36] WHEATLEY, Henry B. (1866). A dictionary of reduplicated words in the English Language, Appendix to The transactions of the philological Society for 1865, London (WHE)