Title: Placiality : the renewal of the significance of place in modern cultural theory
Source document: Brno studies in English. 2000, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. [85]-100
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104271
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
[1] Buck-Morss, Susan (1991). The Dialectics of Seeing (Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press).
[2] Carter, Paul (1996). The Lie of The Land (London: Faber and Faber).
[3] Casey, Edward (1998). The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History (Berkeley: University of California Press).
[4] Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Felix (1994). What Is Philosophy?, transl. by Graham Burchill and Hugh Tomlinson (London: Verso).
[5] Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Felix (1988). A Thousand Plateaus, transl. by Brian Massumi (London: The Athlone Press).
[6] Lefebvre, Henri (1991). The Production of Space, transl. by Donald Nicholson-Smith (Oxford: Basil Blackwell).
[2] Carter, Paul (1996). The Lie of The Land (London: Faber and Faber).
[3] Casey, Edward (1998). The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History (Berkeley: University of California Press).
[4] Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Felix (1994). What Is Philosophy?, transl. by Graham Burchill and Hugh Tomlinson (London: Verso).
[5] Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Felix (1988). A Thousand Plateaus, transl. by Brian Massumi (London: The Athlone Press).
[6] Lefebvre, Henri (1991). The Production of Space, transl. by Donald Nicholson-Smith (Oxford: Basil Blackwell).