Espacio, poder e identidades de género en las novelas de Oleza, de Gabriel Miró

Title: Espacio, poder e identidades de género en las novelas de Oleza, de Gabriel Miró
Source document: Études romanes de Brno. 2009, vol. 30, iss. 2, pp. [55]-64
  • ISSN
    1803-7399 (print)
    2336-4416 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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One of the main characteristics of modernity, according to Foucault, is the development of discipline as a form of control, including the distribution of bodies and subjects in the space. Thus, space becomes another mechanism of control that emplaces the individuals and expose them; but, at the same time, this exposition can generate acts of subversion this mechanism of distribution and establishment of hierarchy. Gabriel Miró's double novel Nuestro padre San Daniel (1921) y El obispo leproso (1926) presents one of the most extraordinary developments of this topic, that is, physical space as the place of power. The novel is based upon the model of the "levitic city", but subverts this frame. The spatial articulation of the novel is cause and effect of the distribution of people according to their relationship with the paradigm of normality. The city is constructed, then, as a panopticon where everybody is subject to power. At the same time, the strange displacements of the characters become acts of subversion, which challenge the structure of power and domination that rules the city, in which gender economy and sexual morality are privileged mechanisms.
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