Title: Frammenti di tempo e spazio in alcuni personaggi di Luigi Pirandello
Source document: Études romanes de Brno. 2009, vol. 30, iss. 1, pp. [115]-124
ISSN1803-7399 (print)2336-4416 (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/114825
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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In twentieth century Italian literature, the conception of time goes towards subjectivity and gradually goes away from the chronological order of the events. Luigi Pirandello's work illustrates the fragmenting of time and the upsetting of the conception of space. Through the characters, it is clear how it is impossible to decompose time without alteration and a breaking up of the spaces in which the events are taking place. Pirandello shows clearly not only a destabilization of space and time, but also the incapability and the inadequacy to analyse and schematize the passing of the time. The characters have their own sense of time and space. Also the same characters are trying to create their own time and space. Through symbolisms one can understand space and time. They are signs of the characters' and author's subjectivity. The human being limitation is his location and alienation within time and space. To understand it in Pirandello's work we need to follow the symbolism of the characters. We need to speak with them trying to create the same atmosphere of Pirandello's theatre.
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[2] BERGSON, Henry, Saggio sui dati immediati della coscienza, Torino, Paravia 1951.
[3] BERGSON, Henry, L'evoluzione creatrice, Torino, UTET 1971.
[4] BERGSON, Henry, Introduzione alla metafisica, Bari, Laterza 1987.
[5] BERGSON, Henry, Il riso. Saggio sul significato del comico, Bari, Laterza 2001.
[6] BERGSON, Henry, Materia e memoria - Saggio sulla relazione tra il corpo e lo spirito, a cura di Adriano Pessina, Bari, Laterza 2006.
[7] BONIFACINO, Giuseppe, Allegorie malinconiche. Studi su Pirandello e Gadda, Bari, Palomar 2006.
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[9] HEIDEGGER, Martin, Essere e tempo, Milano, Longanesi 1976.
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[12] MAZZACURATI, Giancarlo, Pirandello nel romanzo europeo, Bologna, Il Mulino 1995.
[13] PIRANDELLO, Luigi, Questa sera si recita a soggetto, in Maschere nude, Milano, Mondadori 1975.
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[15] PIRANDELLO, Luigi, L'umorismo e altri saggi, Firenze, Giunti 1994.
[16] PIRANDELLO, Luigi, Antologia delle novelle per un anno, a cura di Tommaso Di Salvo, Zanichelli, Bologna 2000.