Title: Nescioquid in opinum intactumque moliens cano... : compositional aims of De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii by Martianus Capella
Source document: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2009, vol. 14, iss. 1-2, pp. [191]-209
ISSN1803-7402 (print)2336-4424 (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/114985
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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In this paper, the composition of a unique educational work 'De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii', written by Martianus Capella probably in the fifth-century Vandal Carthage, is analysed in terms of the author's direct entries into the plot. The main aim of the paper is to show that Martianus' commentaries, which are put forward in the form of dialogues with diverse characters (the reader, the son, Muse, and the personified Satire; Mart. Cap. §1f., §219-222, §575-579, §806-809, §997-1000), do not only serve as a justification of the composition in which a satiric narration presents a serious education matter, but that the commentaries also comply with and highlight his hierarchical understanding of an advanced educational conception aiming at harmony.
V příspěvku autorka analyzuje metatextové vstupy autora do děje, přítomné v půvabné a jedinečné vzdělávací práci De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, sepsané Martianem Capellou někdy ve druhé polovině 5. století po Kr. v africkém prostředí Vandaly dobytého Kartága. Cílem studie je ukázat, že autorské komentáře, bez výjimky probíhající formou dialogu s různými postavami (čtenářem, synem, Múzou, personifikovanou Satirou; Mart. Cap. §1n., §219–222, §575–579, §806–809, §997–1000), neslouží pouze jako kompoziční obhajoba využití satirického narativního rámce pro prezentaci závažného naukového obsahu, ale kopíruje a umocňuje hierarchické pojetí hlubší vzdělávací koncepce směřující k naplnění harmonie.
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[24] Shanzer, Danuta. 1986. A Philosophical and Literary Commentary on Martianus Capella's De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. Book 1. Berkeley – Los Angeles – London: University of California Press.
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[28] Stahl, William H. – Johnson, Richard – Burge, Evan L. 1971. Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts. Volume I. The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella: Latin Traditions in Mathematical Sciences 50 B. C. – A. D. 1250 (Stahl). The Allegory and the Trivium (Johnson, Burge). New York: Columbia University Press.
[29] Stahl, William H. – Johnson, Richard – Burge, Evan L. 1977. Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts. Volume II. The Marriage of Philology and Mercury. New York: Columbia University Press.
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[35] Zekl, Hans G. [transl.]. 2005. Martianus Capella, Die Hochzeit der Philologia mit Merkur (De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii). Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.
[2] Bartoňková, Dagmar. 1977. "Prosimetrum v díle Martiana Capelly De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii." SPFFBU, E 22‒23, 205‒220.
[3] Bovey, Muriel. 2003. Disciplinae cyclicae: L'organisation du savoir dans l'œuvre de Martianus Capella. Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste.
[4] Cristante, Lucio. 1978. "La σφραγίς di Marziano Capella (σπουδογέλοιον: autobiografia e autoironia)." Latomus, 37, 679‒704.
[5] Fantham, Elaine. 1996. Roman Literary Culture. From Cicero to Apuleius. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
[6] Ferré, Barbara [ed., transl., comm.]. 2007. Martianus Capella. Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure. Tome VI, Livre VI, La Géométrie. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
[7] Fletcher, Angus. 1964. Allegory. The Theory of a Symbolic Mode. Ithaca – London: Cornell University Press.
[8] Frye, Northrop. 1957. Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
[9] Gasparotto, Giovanni. 1983. Marziano Capella. Geometria. De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii liber sextus. Introduzione, traduzione e commento. Verona: Libreria universitaria editrice.
[10] Grebe, Sabine. 1999. Martianus Capella 'De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii'. Darstellung der Sieben Freien Künste und ihrer Beziehungen zueinander. Stuttgart – Lepzig: B. G. Teubner.
[11] Janson, Tore. 1964. Latin Prose Prefaces: Studies in Literary Convention. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
[12] Ker, James. 2004. "Nocturnal writers in imperial Rome." Classical Philology, 99 (3), 209–242. | DOI 10.1086/429195
[13] Lanham, Richard A. 1991. A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms. Berkeley – Los Angeles – London: University of California Press.
[14] Le Bœuffle, André. 1998. Un précurseur de Copernic et Galilée Martianus Capella: Astronomie. Vannes: Burillier.
[15] LeMoine, Fanny. 1972. Martianus Capella. A Literary Re-evaluation. München: Arbeo-Gesellschaft.
[16] Lenaz, Luciano. 1975. Martiani Capellae De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii liber secundus: introduzione, traduzione e commento. Padova: Liviana Editrice.
[17] McDonough, Christopher. 1968. The Verse of Martianus Capella. Text, Translation, and Commentary of the Poetry in Book 1 – 5. Diss. Toronto.
[18] Pabst, Bernhard. 1994. Prosimetrum. Tradition und Wandel einer Literaturform zwischen Spätantike und Spätmittelalter. Teil 1. Köln – Weimar – Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
[19] Parker, H. 1890. "The Seven Liberal Arts." The English Historical Review, 5, 417‒461.
[20] Ramelli, Ilaria. 2001. Le nozze di Filologia e Mercurio: Testo latino a fronte. Introduzione, traduzione, commento e appendici. Milano: Bompiani.
[21] Ramelli, Ilaria. 2006. Scoto Eriugena, Remigio di Auxerre, Bernardo Silvestre e Anonimi. Tutti i commenti a Marziano Capella. Testo latino a fronte. Milano: Bompiani.
[22] Relihan, Joel C. 1987. "Martianus Capella, the good teacher." Pacific Coast Philology, 22, 59‒70. | DOI 10.2307/1316659
[23] Roberts, Deborah H. – Dunn, Francis M. – Fowler, Don [eds.]. 1997. Classical Closure. Reading the End in Greek and Latin Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
[24] Shanzer, Danuta. 1986. A Philosophical and Literary Commentary on Martianus Capella's De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. Book 1. Berkeley – Los Angeles – London: University of California Press.
[25] Shanzer, Danuta. 1986b. "The late antique tradition of Varro's onos lyras." Rheinisches Museum, 129, 272‒285.
[26] Schievenin, Romeo. 1986. "Marziano Capella e il proconsulare culmen." Latomus, 45, 797‒815.
[27] Schievenin, Romeo. 2005‒2006. "Il prologo di Marziano Capella." Incontri triestini di filologia classica, 5, 133‒153.
[28] Stahl, William H. – Johnson, Richard – Burge, Evan L. 1971. Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts. Volume I. The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella: Latin Traditions in Mathematical Sciences 50 B. C. – A. D. 1250 (Stahl). The Allegory and the Trivium (Johnson, Burge). New York: Columbia University Press.
[29] Stahl, William H. – Johnson, Richard – Burge, Evan L. 1977. Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts. Volume II. The Marriage of Philology and Mercury. New York: Columbia University Press.
[30] Stange, Friedrich O. 1882. De re metrica. Diss. Leipzig.
[31] Sundermeyer, Albrecht. 1910. De re metrica et rhytmica. Diss. Marburg.
[32] Westra, Haijo J. 1981. "The juxtaposition of the ridiculous and the sublime in Martianus Capella." Florilegium (Carleton University Annual Papers on Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages), 3, 198‒214.
[33] Willis, James [ed.]. 1983. Martianus Capella. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
[34] Zaffagno, Elena. 1996. "La 'persona' di Marziano Capella del De nuptiis." Giornale italiano di filologia, 48, 223‒251.
[35] Zekl, Hans G. [transl.]. 2005. Martianus Capella, Die Hochzeit der Philologia mit Merkur (De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii). Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.