Title: On peripheral phonemes of modern English
Variant title:
- O novoanglických periferních fonémech
- O novoanglijskich periferijnych fonemach
- О новоанглийских периферийных фонемах
- O novoanglijskich periferijnych fonemach
Mrázek, Roman (Translator of Summary)
Source document: Brno studies in English. 1964, vol. 4, iss. 1, pp. 7-109
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118009
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
[1] E. BACHMANN, Einfluß = Der Einfluß des Schriftbildes auf die Aussprache des Neuenglischen (Breslau 1940)
[2] A. C. BAUGH, History = A History of the English Language (London 1959)
[3] B. BLOCH, Overlapping = Phonemic Overlapping, American Speech 16, 1941, pp. 278ff. | DOI 10.2307/486567
[4] B. BLOCH–G. L. TRAGER, Outline = Outline of Linguistic Analysis (Baltimore 1942)
[5] B. BLOCH–G. L. TRAGER, Syll. Phon. = The Syllabic Phonemes of English, Language 17, 1941, pp. 225 ff.
[6] L. BLOOMFIELD, Language (London 1950)
[7] H. BRADLEY, The item She in the NED
[8] J. S. BRUNER–D. O'DOWD, A Note on the Informativeness of Parts of Words, Language and Speech 1, 1958, pp. 98-101 | DOI 10.1177/002383095800100203
[9] K. BRUNNER, Ae. Gr. = Altenglische Grammatik (Halle 1942)
[10] V. BUBEN, Influence = Influence de l'orthographe sur la prononciation du français moderne (Bratislava 1935)
[11] K. BÜLBRING, Ae. Eltb. = Altenglisches Elementarbuch I (Heidelberg 1902)
[12] N. M. CAFFEE, Unstr. V. = The Phonemic Structure of Unstressed Vowels in English, American Speech 26, 1951, pp. 103 ff. | DOI 10.2307/453393
[13] A. CAMPBELL, OEG = Old English Grammar (Oxford 1959)
[14] COD = Concise Oxford Dictionary (Oxford 1955)
[15] A. COHEN, Phonemes = The Phonemes of English (The Hague 1952)
[16] F. DANEŠ, Zeichen u. Syst. = Contribution to discussion at the Erfurt conference of linguists, in: Zeichen und System der Sprache II (Berlin 1962), pp. 62.
[17] E. DIETH, Hips: A Geographical Contribution to the 'she' Puzzle, English Studies (Amsterdam) 36, 1955, pp. 209–217 | DOI 10.1080/00138385508596948
[18] E. DIETH, Vademekum = Vademekum der Phonetik (Bern 1950)
[19] E. J. DOBSON, Boy = The Etymology and Meaning of Boy, Medium Aevum 9, 1940, pp. 121–154 | DOI 10.2307/43626197
[20] E. J. DOBSON, Engl. Pron. = English Pronunciation 1500–1700 (Oxford 1957)
[21] H. A. GLEASON, Introduction = An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics (New York 1955)
[22] R. A. HALL, Sex Reference = Sex Reference and Grammatical Gender in English, American Speech 25, 1951, pp. 170 f. | DOI 10.2307/453074
[23] E. HAUGEN–W. F. TWADDELL, Facts = Facts and Phonemics, Language 18, 1942, pp. 228–237 | DOI 10.2307/409559
[24] B. HAVRÁNEK, Contribution to the discussion at the International Phonological Conference held in Prague, 1930, TCLP 4, 1931, p. 304
[25] B. HAVRÁNEK, Závěrečný projev [Concluding Address], VPSJ, pp. 281–289
[26] G. HEMPL, Middle English wo, wō, JEGPh 1, 1896, pp. 29 ff.
[27] K. HORÁLEK, Možnosti a úkoly popisné jazykovědy [Chances and Tasks of Descriptive Linguistics], VPSJ, pp. 13–17
[28] J. HORECKÝ, Fonológia = Fonológia latinčiny [The Phonology of Latin], (Bratislava 1949)
[29] W. HORN–M. LEHNERT, LL = Laut und Leben (Berlin 1954)
[30] V. HOŘEJŠÍ, Pokus = Pokus o fonologický výklad tzv. liaison ve francouzštině [An Attempt at a Phonological Explanation of the so-called 'liaison' in French], Časopis pro mod. filol. 37, 1955, pp.154–160
[31] A. F. HUBBEL, Analysis = The Phonemic Analysis of Unstressed Vowels in English, American Speech 25, 1950, pp. 105 ff. | DOI 10.2307/453901
[32] R. JAKOBSON, Consonnes = Observations sur le classement phonologique des consonnes. Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Ghent 1939), pp. 34–41
[33] R. JAKOBSON, Remarques = Remarques sur l'évolution phonologique du russe comparée à celle des autres langues slaves, TCLP 2 (Prague 1929)
[34] J. JANKO, Lautwert = Zum Lautwert des gotischen'h', Prager Deutsche Studien (Prag 1908), pp. 59–70
[35] O. JESPERSEN, Lehrbuch = Lehrbuch der Phonetik (Leipzig–Berlin 1904)
[36] D. JONES, EEPD = Everyman's English Pronouncing Dictionary (London–New York 1956)
[37] D. JONES, Outline = An Outline of English Phonetics (Cambridge 1956)
[38] D. JONES, Phoneme = The Phoneme, its Nature and Use (Cambridge 1950)
[39] D. JONES, Δ and ə = Δ and ə in British English, Le Maître Phonétique 1946, p. 2
[40] J. S. KENYON, Amer. Pron. = American Pronunciation (Ann Arbor 1946)
[41] J. S. KENYON–TH. A. KNOTT, PDAE = Pronouncing Dictionary of American English (Springfield 1944)
[42] H. KÖKERITZ, Shakesp. Pron. = Shakespeare's Pronunciation (New Haven 1953)
[43] F. KOPEČNÝ, Povaha = Povaha českého preterita [The Nature of the Czech Preterite Tense], Naše řeč (Praha) 34, 1950, pp. 85-89
[44] E. KRUISINGA, Handbook = Handbook of Present Day English I (Utrecht 1919)
[45] H. KUČERA, Phonology = The Phonology of Czech (The Hague 1961)
[46] S. M. KUHN –R. QUIRK, Reply = The Old English Digraphs: A Reply, Language 31, 1955, pp. 390 to 401 | DOI 10.2307/410806
[47] H. KURATH, Binary Int. = The Binary Interpretation of English Vowels: A Critique, Language 33, 1957, pp. 111–122 | DOI 10.2307/410723
[48] H. KURATH, Loss = The Loss of Long Consonants and the Rise of Voiced Fricatives in Middle English, Language 32, 1956, pp. 435–445 | DOI 10.2307/410564
[49] H. LINDKVIST, Origin = On the Origin and History of the English Pronoun 'she', Anglia 45, 1921, pp. 1ff. | DOI 10.1515/angl.1921.1921.45.1
[50] R. J. LLOYD, Northern English (Leipzig 1899)
[51] K. LUICK, Hist. Gr. – Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache I (Leipzig 1914–1940)
[52] K. MALONE, Phonemes – Phonemes and Phonemic Combinations in Current English, English Studies (Amsterdam) 18, 1936, pp. 159ff. | DOI 10.1080/00138383608596652
[53] J. MANSION, Nochmals das ne. 'who', Herrigs Archiv 120, pp. 158ff.
[54] J. MAROUZEAU, Lexique = Lexique de la terminologie linguistique (Paris 1943)
[55] A. MARTINET, Économie = Économie des changements phonétiques (Berne 1955)
[56] K. MARX–F. ENGELS, AB = Ausgewälte Briefe (Berlin 1953)
[57] V. MATHESIUS, Hiát – Několik slov o hiátu v dnešní češtině [Some Remarks on Hiatus in Present Day Czech], Naše řeč (Praha) 15, 1931, pp. 219–221
[58] V. MATHESIUS, Sprachgut = Zur synchronischen Analyse fremden Sprachguts, Englische Studien 70, 1935, pp. 21–35
[59] V. MATHESIUS, Structure = La structure phonologique du lexique du tchèque moderne, TCLP 1, 1929, pp. 07–84
[60] W. MERLINGEN, Über Ein- und Zweiphonemigkeit, Ztschr. f. Phon. 13, 1960, pp. 98–176.
[61] L. MORSBACH, Ursprung = Ursprung der neuenglischen Schriftsprache (Heilbronn 1888)
[62] F. MOSSÉ, Esquisse = Esquisse d'une histoire de la langue anglaise (Lyon 1947)
[63] NED = New English Dictionary (Oxford 1888–1933)
[64] J. D. O'CONNOR, rev. S. = Review of E. SIVERTSEN, Cockney Phonology, Le Maitre Phonétique 1962.
[65] R. QUIRK–C. L. WRENN, OEG = An Old English Grammar (London 1955)
[66] E. PAULINY, Fonológia = Fonológia spisovnej slovenčiny [Phonology of Standard Slovak] (Bratislava 1961).
[67] Š. PECIAR, K otázke = K otázke fonologického pomeru i a j v slovenčině [On the Problem of the Phonematic Relation of Slovak i and j], Linguistica Slovaca 4–6, 1946–1948, pp. 107–120
[68] A. REICHLING, Principles = Principles and Methods of Syntax: Cryptanalytical Formalism, Lingua 10, 1961, pp. 1–17 | DOI 10.1016/0024-3841(61)90108-5
[69] M. RENSKÝ, Slabika = Funkce slabiky v jazykovém systému [The Function of the Syllable in the System, of Language], Slovo a slovesnost (Praha) 21, 1960, pp. 86–95
[70] W. RIPMAN, Sounds = The Sounds of Spoken English (London 1920)
[71] E. SAPIR, Sound Patterns = Sound Patterns in Language, Language 1, 1925, pp. 37–51. (Reprinted in Selected Writings of Edward Sapir on Language, Culture and Personality, ed. by D. G. MANDELBAUM, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1951, pp. 33–45.) | DOI 10.2307/409004
[72] G. SARRAZIN, Ursprung = Der Ursprung von ne. 'she', Englische Studien 22, 1896, pp. 330f
[73] L. V. SHCHERBA, Glasnye = Russkie glasnye v kachestvennom i kolichestvennom otnoshenii, S.-Petersburg 1912
[74] E. SIEVERS, Grundzüge = Grundzüge der Phonetik (Leipzig 1881).
[75] E. SIVERTSEN, CPhon = Cockney Phonology (Oslo 1960)
[76] A. I. SMIRNITSKIY, Otpadenie = Otpadenie konechnogo z v zapadogermanskikh yazykakh i izmenenie z v r, Trudy Instituta Yazykoznanija AN SSSR 9, 1959, pp. 115–136.
[77] SPFFBU = Sborník prací filosofické fakulty Brněnské university (Praha)
[78] R. P. STOCKWELL–C. W. BARRIT, Digraphs = The Old English Short Digraphs: Some Considerations, Language 31, 1955, pp. 372–389. | DOI 10.2307/410805
[79] H. SWEET, Elementarbuch = Elementarbuch des gesprochenen Englisch (Oxford–Leipzig 1891)
[80] H. SWEET, Engl. Gram. = An English Grammar, logical and historical I. (Oxford 1900)
[81] H. SWEET, HES = A History of English Sounds from the earliest period (Oxford 1888)
[82] TCLP = Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague
[83] C. K. THOMAS, Introduction = An Introduction to the Phonetics of American English (New York 1947)
[84] G. L. TRAGER–H. L. SMITH, Jr., Outline = An Outline of English Structure (Norman 1951)
[85] B. TRNKA, Analysis = A Phonological Analysis of Present Day Standard English, Facultas philosophica univ. Carolinae Pragensis, Práce z vědeckých ústavů 37 (Praha 1937)
[86] B. TRNKA, From Germ. = From Germanic to English, Recueil linguistique de Bratislava 1, 1948, pp. 139–148
[87] B. TRNKA, Gen. Laws = General Laws of Phonemic Combinations, TCLP 6, 1936, pp. 57–62
[88] B. TRNKA, Remarks = Some Remarks on the Phonological Structure of English, Xenia Pragensia (Prague 1929), pp. 357–364
[89] N. S. TRUBETZKOY, Grundzüge = Grundzüge der Phonologie, TCLP 7 (Prague 1939)
[90] J. VACHEK, À propos = À propos de la terminologie linguistique et du système de concepts linguistiques de l'École de Prague, Philologica Pragensia 4, 1961, pp. 65–78
[91] J. VACHEK, Anal. Trend = Some Less Familiar Aspects of the Analytical Trend of English, Brno Studies in English 3, 1961, pp. 9–78.
[92] J. VACHEK, Decline = The Decline of the Phoneme /r/ in English, SPFFBU A8, 1960, pp. 79–93
[93] J. VACHEK, Dictionnaire = Dictionnaire de linguistique de l'École de Prague. Avec collaboration de J. DUBSKÝ (Utrecht–Anvers 1960)
[94] J. VACHEK, External Factors = On the Interplay of External and Internal Factors in the Development of Language, Lingua 11, 1962, pp. 433–448
[95] J. VACHEK, Foném h/χ = Foném h/χ ve vývoji angličtiny [The h/χ-Phoneme in the Development of English], SPFFBU Al, 1952, pp. 121–134
[96] J. VACHEK, Interplay = On the Interplay of Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects in Phonemic Development, Ztschr. f. Anglistik u. Amerikanistik (Berlin) 5, 1957, pp. 5–28
[97] J. VACHEK, Interpretation = Über die phonologische Interpretation der Diphthonge mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Englischen (Facultas philosophica universitatis Carolinae Pragensis, Práce z věd. ústavů 33, 1933, pp. 87–170)
[98] J. VACHEK, ModE /ŋ/-Sound = Notes on the Phonematic Value of the Modern English [ŋ]-Sound, to be published in D. JONES' Commemorative Volume
[99] J. VACHEK, Phon. Cock. = Some Thoughts on the Phonology of Cockney English, Philologica Pragensia 5, 1962, pp. 159–166
[100] J. VACHEK, Phon. Status = The Phonematic Status of Modern English Long Vowels and Diphthongs, Philologica Pragensia 6, 1963, pp. 59–71
[101] J. VACHEK, Poměr = Fonologický poměr hlásek i a j v češtině a slovenštině [The Phonematic Relation of the Sounds i and j in Czech and Slovak], Slavia (Praha) 11, 1932, pp. 265–273
[102] J. VACHEK, Prof. Luick = Prof. Karl Luick and Problems of Historical Phonology, Časopis pro moderní filologii 19, 1933, pp. 273–292
[103] J. VACHEK, She = Notes on the Phonological Development of the N E Pronoun 'she', SPFFBU A2, 1954, pp. 67–80
[104] J. VACHEK, 'Short M. W.' = Phonemic Remarks on the 'Short Mixed Vowel' of Modern English, SPFFBU A4, 1956, pp. 81–92
[105] J. VACHEK, Two Chapters = Two Chapters on Written English, Brno Studies in English 1, 1959, pp. 7–38
[106] J. VACHEK, WH-Sounds = On the Phonetic and Phonemic Problems of the Southern English WH-Sounds, Ztsch. f. Phonetik u. allgem. Sprachwissenschaft, 8, 1954, pp. 165–194
[107] J. VACHEK, Yaleská škola = Yaleská škola a strukturalistická fonologie [The Yale Group and Structuralist Phonology], Slovo a slovesnost 11, 1948, pp. 36–44
[108] VPSJ = O vědeckém poznání soudobých jazyků [On Scientific Research in Contemporary Languages], Praha 1958
[109] I. C. WARD, Phon. = The Phonetics of English (Cambridge 1945)
[110] WEBSTER's Dictionary = Webster's New International Dictionary (Springfield 1947)
[111] J. WRIGHT, EDG = English Dialect Grammar (Oxford 1905)
[112] J, WRIGHT – E. M. WRIGHT, EHNEG = An Elementary Historical New English Grammar (Oxford 1924)
[113] J. WRIGHT – WRIGHT, EMEG = An Elementary Middle English Grammar (Oxford 1925)
[114] J. WRIGHT - E. M. WRIGHT, OEG = Old English Grammar (Oxford 1925)
[115] J. C. WELLS, A Specimen of British English, Le Maître Phonétique 1962, pp. 2–5
[116] H. C. WYLD, HMCE = A History of Modern Colloquial English (Cambridge 1921)
[117] H. C. WYLD, SHE = A Short History of English (London 1937)
[118] V. N. YARTSEVA, O vnutr. zak. - O vnutrennikh zakonakh razvitiya yazyka v svete trudov I. V. Stalina po yazykoznaniyu, Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otd. lit. i yaz. 11, 1952, pp. 193–205
[2] A. C. BAUGH, History = A History of the English Language (London 1959)
[3] B. BLOCH, Overlapping = Phonemic Overlapping, American Speech 16, 1941, pp. 278ff. | DOI 10.2307/486567
[4] B. BLOCH–G. L. TRAGER, Outline = Outline of Linguistic Analysis (Baltimore 1942)
[5] B. BLOCH–G. L. TRAGER, Syll. Phon. = The Syllabic Phonemes of English, Language 17, 1941, pp. 225 ff.
[6] L. BLOOMFIELD, Language (London 1950)
[7] H. BRADLEY, The item She in the NED
[8] J. S. BRUNER–D. O'DOWD, A Note on the Informativeness of Parts of Words, Language and Speech 1, 1958, pp. 98-101 | DOI 10.1177/002383095800100203
[9] K. BRUNNER, Ae. Gr. = Altenglische Grammatik (Halle 1942)
[10] V. BUBEN, Influence = Influence de l'orthographe sur la prononciation du français moderne (Bratislava 1935)
[11] K. BÜLBRING, Ae. Eltb. = Altenglisches Elementarbuch I (Heidelberg 1902)
[12] N. M. CAFFEE, Unstr. V. = The Phonemic Structure of Unstressed Vowels in English, American Speech 26, 1951, pp. 103 ff. | DOI 10.2307/453393
[13] A. CAMPBELL, OEG = Old English Grammar (Oxford 1959)
[14] COD = Concise Oxford Dictionary (Oxford 1955)
[15] A. COHEN, Phonemes = The Phonemes of English (The Hague 1952)
[16] F. DANEŠ, Zeichen u. Syst. = Contribution to discussion at the Erfurt conference of linguists, in: Zeichen und System der Sprache II (Berlin 1962), pp. 62.
[17] E. DIETH, Hips: A Geographical Contribution to the 'she' Puzzle, English Studies (Amsterdam) 36, 1955, pp. 209–217 | DOI 10.1080/00138385508596948
[18] E. DIETH, Vademekum = Vademekum der Phonetik (Bern 1950)
[19] E. J. DOBSON, Boy = The Etymology and Meaning of Boy, Medium Aevum 9, 1940, pp. 121–154 | DOI 10.2307/43626197
[20] E. J. DOBSON, Engl. Pron. = English Pronunciation 1500–1700 (Oxford 1957)
[21] H. A. GLEASON, Introduction = An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics (New York 1955)
[22] R. A. HALL, Sex Reference = Sex Reference and Grammatical Gender in English, American Speech 25, 1951, pp. 170 f. | DOI 10.2307/453074
[23] E. HAUGEN–W. F. TWADDELL, Facts = Facts and Phonemics, Language 18, 1942, pp. 228–237 | DOI 10.2307/409559
[24] B. HAVRÁNEK, Contribution to the discussion at the International Phonological Conference held in Prague, 1930, TCLP 4, 1931, p. 304
[25] B. HAVRÁNEK, Závěrečný projev [Concluding Address], VPSJ, pp. 281–289
[26] G. HEMPL, Middle English wo, wō, JEGPh 1, 1896, pp. 29 ff.
[27] K. HORÁLEK, Možnosti a úkoly popisné jazykovědy [Chances and Tasks of Descriptive Linguistics], VPSJ, pp. 13–17
[28] J. HORECKÝ, Fonológia = Fonológia latinčiny [The Phonology of Latin], (Bratislava 1949)
[29] W. HORN–M. LEHNERT, LL = Laut und Leben (Berlin 1954)
[30] V. HOŘEJŠÍ, Pokus = Pokus o fonologický výklad tzv. liaison ve francouzštině [An Attempt at a Phonological Explanation of the so-called 'liaison' in French], Časopis pro mod. filol. 37, 1955, pp.154–160
[31] A. F. HUBBEL, Analysis = The Phonemic Analysis of Unstressed Vowels in English, American Speech 25, 1950, pp. 105 ff. | DOI 10.2307/453901
[32] R. JAKOBSON, Consonnes = Observations sur le classement phonologique des consonnes. Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Ghent 1939), pp. 34–41
[33] R. JAKOBSON, Remarques = Remarques sur l'évolution phonologique du russe comparée à celle des autres langues slaves, TCLP 2 (Prague 1929)
[34] J. JANKO, Lautwert = Zum Lautwert des gotischen'h', Prager Deutsche Studien (Prag 1908), pp. 59–70
[35] O. JESPERSEN, Lehrbuch = Lehrbuch der Phonetik (Leipzig–Berlin 1904)
[36] D. JONES, EEPD = Everyman's English Pronouncing Dictionary (London–New York 1956)
[37] D. JONES, Outline = An Outline of English Phonetics (Cambridge 1956)
[38] D. JONES, Phoneme = The Phoneme, its Nature and Use (Cambridge 1950)
[39] D. JONES, Δ and ə = Δ and ə in British English, Le Maître Phonétique 1946, p. 2
[40] J. S. KENYON, Amer. Pron. = American Pronunciation (Ann Arbor 1946)
[41] J. S. KENYON–TH. A. KNOTT, PDAE = Pronouncing Dictionary of American English (Springfield 1944)
[42] H. KÖKERITZ, Shakesp. Pron. = Shakespeare's Pronunciation (New Haven 1953)
[43] F. KOPEČNÝ, Povaha = Povaha českého preterita [The Nature of the Czech Preterite Tense], Naše řeč (Praha) 34, 1950, pp. 85-89
[44] E. KRUISINGA, Handbook = Handbook of Present Day English I (Utrecht 1919)
[45] H. KUČERA, Phonology = The Phonology of Czech (The Hague 1961)
[46] S. M. KUHN –R. QUIRK, Reply = The Old English Digraphs: A Reply, Language 31, 1955, pp. 390 to 401 | DOI 10.2307/410806
[47] H. KURATH, Binary Int. = The Binary Interpretation of English Vowels: A Critique, Language 33, 1957, pp. 111–122 | DOI 10.2307/410723
[48] H. KURATH, Loss = The Loss of Long Consonants and the Rise of Voiced Fricatives in Middle English, Language 32, 1956, pp. 435–445 | DOI 10.2307/410564
[49] H. LINDKVIST, Origin = On the Origin and History of the English Pronoun 'she', Anglia 45, 1921, pp. 1ff. | DOI 10.1515/angl.1921.1921.45.1
[50] R. J. LLOYD, Northern English (Leipzig 1899)
[51] K. LUICK, Hist. Gr. – Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache I (Leipzig 1914–1940)
[52] K. MALONE, Phonemes – Phonemes and Phonemic Combinations in Current English, English Studies (Amsterdam) 18, 1936, pp. 159ff. | DOI 10.1080/00138383608596652
[53] J. MANSION, Nochmals das ne. 'who', Herrigs Archiv 120, pp. 158ff.
[54] J. MAROUZEAU, Lexique = Lexique de la terminologie linguistique (Paris 1943)
[55] A. MARTINET, Économie = Économie des changements phonétiques (Berne 1955)
[56] K. MARX–F. ENGELS, AB = Ausgewälte Briefe (Berlin 1953)
[57] V. MATHESIUS, Hiát – Několik slov o hiátu v dnešní češtině [Some Remarks on Hiatus in Present Day Czech], Naše řeč (Praha) 15, 1931, pp. 219–221
[58] V. MATHESIUS, Sprachgut = Zur synchronischen Analyse fremden Sprachguts, Englische Studien 70, 1935, pp. 21–35
[59] V. MATHESIUS, Structure = La structure phonologique du lexique du tchèque moderne, TCLP 1, 1929, pp. 07–84
[60] W. MERLINGEN, Über Ein- und Zweiphonemigkeit, Ztschr. f. Phon. 13, 1960, pp. 98–176.
[61] L. MORSBACH, Ursprung = Ursprung der neuenglischen Schriftsprache (Heilbronn 1888)
[62] F. MOSSÉ, Esquisse = Esquisse d'une histoire de la langue anglaise (Lyon 1947)
[63] NED = New English Dictionary (Oxford 1888–1933)
[64] J. D. O'CONNOR, rev. S. = Review of E. SIVERTSEN, Cockney Phonology, Le Maitre Phonétique 1962.
[65] R. QUIRK–C. L. WRENN, OEG = An Old English Grammar (London 1955)
[66] E. PAULINY, Fonológia = Fonológia spisovnej slovenčiny [Phonology of Standard Slovak] (Bratislava 1961).
[67] Š. PECIAR, K otázke = K otázke fonologického pomeru i a j v slovenčině [On the Problem of the Phonematic Relation of Slovak i and j], Linguistica Slovaca 4–6, 1946–1948, pp. 107–120
[68] A. REICHLING, Principles = Principles and Methods of Syntax: Cryptanalytical Formalism, Lingua 10, 1961, pp. 1–17 | DOI 10.1016/0024-3841(61)90108-5
[69] M. RENSKÝ, Slabika = Funkce slabiky v jazykovém systému [The Function of the Syllable in the System, of Language], Slovo a slovesnost (Praha) 21, 1960, pp. 86–95
[70] W. RIPMAN, Sounds = The Sounds of Spoken English (London 1920)
[71] E. SAPIR, Sound Patterns = Sound Patterns in Language, Language 1, 1925, pp. 37–51. (Reprinted in Selected Writings of Edward Sapir on Language, Culture and Personality, ed. by D. G. MANDELBAUM, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1951, pp. 33–45.) | DOI 10.2307/409004
[72] G. SARRAZIN, Ursprung = Der Ursprung von ne. 'she', Englische Studien 22, 1896, pp. 330f
[73] L. V. SHCHERBA, Glasnye = Russkie glasnye v kachestvennom i kolichestvennom otnoshenii, S.-Petersburg 1912
[74] E. SIEVERS, Grundzüge = Grundzüge der Phonetik (Leipzig 1881).
[75] E. SIVERTSEN, CPhon = Cockney Phonology (Oslo 1960)
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