Univerzální eschatologie z pohledu současných českých věřících

Title: Univerzální eschatologie z pohledu současných českých věřících
Variant title:
  • General eschatology from the point of view of contemporary Czech believers
Source document: Religio. 2005, vol. 13, iss. 1, pp. [119]-143
  • ISSN
    1210-3640 (print)
    2336-4475 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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While individual eschatology deals with the ultimate things of the individual person, one's death and possible afterlife, general or collective/cosmic eschatology deals with transformation or the end of entire present world, hand in hand with collective end (or transformation) of all human beings. The article is concerned with attitudes towards general eschatology, concepts about possible extinction of life on Earth and devastation of the whole planet. The main attention is given to the concepts of individual respondents which were gained from semi-structural interviews during field research in 2003-2004. Field research took place in four religious groups in Prague – parishes or religious societies – Roman Catholic Church, Protestant Church of Czech Brethren, Religious society of Jehovah's Witnesses and ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness). Apart of that the author briefly mentions the main concepts of general eschatology as they are presented in Christian and Hare Krishna sacred texts, as well as presentation of cosmic eschatology or absence of it in contemporary periodicals issued for members of concrete religious groups. ...
Studie vznikla jako součást projektu "Reflexe smrti v současné české společnosti" podporovaného GA UK (č. projektu 404/2005/A-SP/FHS).