Кризис славистики и возможные пути его преодоления посредством международных научных проектов

Title: Кризис славистики и возможные пути его преодоления посредством международных научных проектов
Transliterated title
Krizis slavistiki i vozmožnyje puti jego preodolenija posredstvom meždunarodnych projektov
Author: Bunjak, Petar
Source document: Новая русистика. 2012, vol. 5, iss. Supplementum, pp. [7]-15
  • ISSN
    1803-4950 (print)
    2336-4564 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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The author of the memorial commentary connected with the discussions with and the ideas of the prominent Yugoslav and Serbian slavist Bogoljub Stanković describes the contemporary situation of Slavonic studies at European universities and the crisis in this field of humanities together with new proposals and several ways how to solve it. The proposals consist in the formation of the freely conceived centre of international Slavonic studies based on concrete research projects and the international net of scholarly cooperation.