Минималистический роман Евгения Гришковца: от актера и писателя к медиазвезде, пишущей дневник в форме блога

Title: Минималистический роман Евгения Гришковца: от актера и писателя к медиазвезде, пишущей дневник в форме блога
Transliterated title
Minimalističeskij roman Jevgenija Griškovca: ot aktera i pisatelja k mediazvezde, pišuščej dnevnik v forme bloga
Variant title:
  • Yevgeni Grishkovets' minimalist novel: actor and novelist becoming an Internet personality with own blog diary
Source document: Новая русистика. 2013, vol. 6, iss. 2, pp. [49]-56
  • ISSN
    1803-4950 (print)
    2336-4564 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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The article deals with a novel that is inspired by blog entries written by a Russian novelist, actor, dramatist and director Yevgeni Grishkovets, who began to write his blog on Live Journal network and who published his first novel based on these daily entries in 2008 under the name God žžizni. This minimalist novel, which is comprised of various stories based on life of an actor, artist, writer, friend and a father, represents a very interesting foundation for a great deal of reflections about the development of contemporary genology, possibilities in the presentation of author and his publications in the contemporary century, and also about the impact of new literary genres on the development of contemporary Russian.
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