The functional differentiation of the standard language

Title: The functional differentiation of the standard language
Chovanec, Jan (Editor)
Source document: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. Chovanec, Jan (Editor). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, pp. 27-40
Rights access
open access
License: Not specified license
This article is an English version of one of Havránek's classic texts, in which he makes a major contribution to general linguistics by setting out his theory of the standard language. The text clearly embodies the functionalism of the early Prague School scholars, for whom the primary principle for the classification and explanation of linguistic means is considered to be the purpose, i.e. the communicative function served by specific linguistic forms. Havránek's approach is likewise based on strictly functional criteria: after identifying the functions of the standard, he aligns them with "functional dialects", i.e. systematic variations of language. In this treatise, he also discusses the concepts of intellectualization and automatization, which are helpful in understanding the specific role of the standard language.