Title: Convivium
Year: 2014
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Publication year
2336-3452 (print)
2336-808X (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/132221
- Edited by Herbert L. Kessler, Elisabetta Scirocco
Department FF MU
Title | Document |
Mirror, inspiration, and the making of art in Byzantium | 10–39
Pentcheva, Bissera V. |
The Catapetasma of Hagia Sophia and the phenomenon of Byzantine installations | 40–57
Lidov, Alexei |
Icons in Japan painted by Rin Yamashita : anonymity and materiality | 58–73
Suzuki, Michitaka |
Christ in Majesty on a Late Antique eulogia token in the British Museum | 74–87
O'Connor, Lucy |
Carolingian verse inscriptions and images : from aesthetics to efficiency | 88–101
Debiais, Vincent |
Pentecost in the Codex Egberti (c. 980) and the Benedictional of Archbishop Robert (late tenth century) : the visual medium and the senses | 102–117
Baert, Barbara |
From body to icon : the life of Sts Peter and Paul in the murals of S. Piero a Crado (Pisa) | 118–141
Pinkus, Assaf; Ozeri, Michal |
Title | Document |
[Pawlik, Anna. Das Bildwerk als Reliquiar?: Funktionen früher Großplastik im 9. bis 11. Jahrhundert] | 144–145
Ambrose, Kirk |
[Holmes, Megan. The miraculous image in Renaissance Florence] | 146–149
Fenelli, Laura |
[Jäggi, Carola. Ravenna: Kunst und Kultur einer spätantiken Residenzstadt: die Bauten und Mosaiken des 5. und 6. Jahrhunderts] | 150–152
Frantová, Zuzana |
[Lowden, John. Medieval and later ivories in the Courtauld Gallery: complete catalogue] | 153–155
Ketmanová, Kristina |
Title | Document |
Photographic credits | 157