Title: Literární kánony ze středoevropského úhlu pohledu
Variant title:
- Literary canons from Central European viewpont
Source document: Středoevropský areál ve vnitřních souvislostech : (česko-slovensko-maďarské reflexe). Pospíšil, Ivo (Editor); Šaur, Josef (Editor). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010, pp. [69]-76
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/133517
Rights access
open access
License: Not specified license
The present essay aims at describing the literary canons from Central European viewpont by taking into consideration of the different aspects of communities, translation/translatability and publishing. First of all it has to be emphasized that in terms of the cultural history the so-called Central Europe is a region of small nations and as such is a not canon-maker. It is very unlikely to find a Central European work in the Western canons (there is may be an exception: Hasek's Svejk) Examining the canonisation process of Hungarian literature in Western countries, one can state that real canonisation has been made only in Germany. Examining the canonisation process of Central European literatures, one can state that no real canonisation has been made within the Hungarian culture recently, but the reception of them is being intensified with a new generation of translators and mainly by the significant role played by Kalligram Publishing House, which publishes nearly all important works.