Title: Brno studies in English
Year: 2015
Volume: 41
Issue: 1
Publication year
0524-6881 (print)
1805-0867 (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/134758
Department FF MU
Title | Document |
(Re)constructed eloquence: rhetorical and pragmatic strategies in the speeches of Native Americans as reported by nineteenth-century commentators | [5]–28
Dossena, Marina |
Deviations from the basic distribution of communicative dynamism as a style marker | [29]–40
Dušková, Libuše |
On the use of cognitive verbs in political interviews | [41]–59
Kozubíková Šandová, Jana |
Complex noun phrases in Polish-English translation: evidence from three registers | [61]–76
Lewandowski, Marcin |
A walk through the multimodal landscape of university websites | [77]–100
Tomášková, Renáta |
Title | Document |
Playfulness as apologia for a strong story in Ian McEwan's Sweet Tooth | [101]–115
Chalupský, Petr |
Unspoken dialogues and non-listening listeners in Graham Swift's fiction | [117]–129
Kucała, Bożena |
(Re)inscribing blackness onto the Canadian Soil: memory and resistance in contemporary African-Canadian drama | [131]–143
Otrísalová, Lucia |
"Bringing a new soul into Ireland": literary culture and poetics of orality in W. B. Yeats's early critical writings | [145]–156
Pietrzak, Wit |
Forms of resistance against the African postcolony in Brian Chikwava's Harare North | [157]–173
Pucherová, Dobrota |
Native storytelling and narrative innovation: Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine as fictional ethnography | [175]–193
Stock, Richard T. |
The books that lived: J.K. Rowling and the magic of storytelling | [195]–212
Visser, Irene; Kaai, Laura |
Title | Document |
[Bednarek, Monika; Caple, Helen. News discourse] | [213]–216
Chovanec, Jan |
[Martínez Lirola, María (ed.). Discourses on immigration in times of economic crisis: a critical perspective] | [217]–220
Eitler, Tamás |
Title | Document |
Brno Studies in English | 221
Guidelines for authors | 222