Title: Nejsou čáry jako čáry: inkrementální linie v mikrostruktuře zubů a jejich využití při analýze kosterních nálezů
Variant title:
- Different lines of our lives: incremental lines in the microstructure of teeth and their applications in the analysis of human remains
Source document: Studia archaeologica Brunensia. 2016, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 113-138
ISSN1805-918X (print)2336-4505 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/SAB2016-2-7
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/136422
Type: Article
Summary language
License: Not specified license
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
Buňky produkující tvrdé zubní tkáně zanechávají v průběhu vývoje zubů pod vlivem různých metabolických rytmů záznam o jejich aktivitě ve formě růstových markerů, označovaných jako inkrementální linie. Kromě těchto pravidelných časových markerů jsou v mikrostruktuře zubů zaznamenaná a po celou dobu existence zubu přítomná také metabolická a fyziologická narušení způsobená stresovými událostmi. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je rekonstrukce vývojového záznamu ze zubů kosterního nálezu dítěte z ojedinělého hrobu na lokalitě Muráň-Hrad, Slovensko pomocí metody odontochronologie a také načrtnutí možných přínosů využití histologického přístupu a analýz výbrusů zubů v bioarcheologii při studiu minulých populací.
During the period of formation of the teeth, the cells that secrete dental hard tissues under various metabolic rhythms leave a record of their activity in the form of growth markers called incremental lines. Besides these regular time markers, in the microstructure of teeth metabolic and physiological disturbances caused by stressful events are permanently recorded and observable for as long as the tooth exists. The purpose of the present study was to apply odontochronological techniques in retrieval of a developmental record from dental remains of a child's skeleton from a solitary burial found in a site Muráň-Castle, Slovakia and to outline how bioarchaeology can beneficiate by including the histological approach and analysis of tooth sections in the study of past populations.
Příspěvek vznikl díky podpoře specifického výzkumu "Aplikace metod analýzy obrazu a tvaru v rutinním zpracování kosterních nálezů" (MUNI/A/0835/2012) a "Bioarcheologické metody pro komplexní hodnocení raně středověkých populací" (MUNI/A/0983/2013).
[1] Alghonamy, W. Y. – Gaballah, O. M. – Labah, D. A. 2015: Age estimation in adult human sound and periodontally affected teeth using tooth cementum annulations. Tanta Dental Journal 12, 277–285. | DOI 10.1016/j.tdj.2015.07.002
[2] AlQahtani, S. J. – Hector, M. P. – Liversidge, H. M. 2010: Brief communication: The London atlas of human tooth development and eruption. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142, 481–490. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21258
[3] Antoine, D. – Hillson, S. – Dean, M. C. 2009: The developmental clock of dental enamel: a test for the periodicity of prism cross-striations in modern humans and an evaluation of the most likely sources of error in histological studies of this kind. Journal of Anatomy 214(1), 45–55. | DOI 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2008.01010.x
[4] Bertrand, B. – Robbins Schug, G. – Polet, C. – Naji, S. – Colard, T. 2014: Age-at-death estimation of pathological individuals: A complementary approach using teeth cementum annulations. International Journal of Paleopathology, v tisku.
[5] Beynon, A. – Clayton, C. – Rozzi, F. – Reid, D. 1998: Radiographic and histological methodologies in estimating the chronology of crown development in modern humans and great apes: a review, with some applications for studies on juvenile hominids . Journal of Human Evolution 35(4–5), 351–370. | DOI 10.1006/jhev.1998.0234
[6] Birch, W. – Dean, M. C. 2014: A method of calculating human deciduous crown formation times and of estimating the chronological ages of stressful events occurring during deciduous enamel formation. Journal of Forensic and Legale Medicine 22, 127–144. | DOI 10.1016/j.jflm.2013.12.002
[7] Black, S. – Ferguson, E. E. 2011: Forensic anthropology: 2000–2010: CRC Press.
[8] Dean, M. C. 1998: A comparative study of cross striation spacings in cuspal enamel and of four methods of estimating the time taken to grow molar cuspal enamel in Pan, Pongo and Homo. Journal of Human Evolution 35(4–5), 449–462. | DOI 10.1006/jhev.1998.0208
[9] Dean, M. C. 2000: Incremental markings in enamel and dentine: what they can tell us about the way teeth grow. In: Teaford, M. – Smith, M. – Ferguson, M. (eds.), Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth. Cambridge University Press, 119–130.
[10] Dean, M. C. 2010: Retrieving chronological age from dental remains of early fossil hominins to reconstruct human growth in the past. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 365(1556), 3397–3410. | DOI 10.1098/rstb.2010.0052
[11] Dean, M. C. – Beynon, A.D. 1991: Histological reconstruction of crown formation times and initial root-formation times in a modern human child. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 86(2), 215–228. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.1330860210
[12] Dean, M. C. – Elamin, F. 2014: Parturition lines in modern human wisdom tooth roots: do they exist, can they be characterized and are they useful for retrospective determination of age at first reproduction and/or inter-birth intervals? Annals of Human Biology 41(4), 358–367. | DOI 10.3109/03014460.2014.923047
[13] Demirjian, A. – Goldstein, H. – Tanner, J. M. 1973: A New System of Dental Age Assessment. Human Biology 45(2), 211–227.
[14] Dirks, W. 1998: Histological reconstruction of dental development and age at death in a juvenile gibbon (Hylobates lar). Journal of Human Evolution 35(4–5), 411–425. | DOI 10.1006/jhev.1997.0185
[15] Dirks, W. – Bromage, T. – Agenbroad, L. 2012: The duration and rate of molar plate formation in Palaeoloxodon cypriotes and Mammuthus columbi from dental histology. Quaternary International 255, 79–85. | DOI 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.11.002
[16] Dirks, W. – Humphrey, L. – Dean, M. C. – Jeffries, T. 2010: The Relationship of Accentuated Lines in Enamel to Weaning Stress in Juvenile Baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis). Folia Primatologica 81(4), 207–223.
[17] Dirks, W. – Reid, D. – Jolly, C. – Phillips-Conroy, J. – Brett, F. 2002: Out of the mouths of baboons: Stress, life history, and dental development in the Awash National Park hybrid zone, Ethiopia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 118(3), 239–252. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10089
[18] Dobisíková, M. 1999: Určování věku. In: Stloukal, M. (ed.), Antropologie: příručka pro studium kostry. Praha: Národní muzeum, 235–339.
[19] Dolphin, A. E. – Teeter, M. – White, C. D. – Longstaffe, F. 2016: Limiting the impact of destructive analytical techniques through sequential microspatial sampling of the enamel from single teeth. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 5, 537–541. | DOI 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.01.009
[20] FitzGerald, C. – Hillson, S. 2009: Deciduous Tooth Growth in an Ancient Greek Infant Cemetery. In: Koppe, T. – Meyer, G. – Alt, K. W. (eds): Comparative Dental Morphology. Front Oral Biol. 13, 178–183.
[21] FitzGerald, C. – Rose, J. 2008: Reading between the lines: dental development and subadult age assessment using the microstructural growth markers of teeth. In: Katzenberg, M. – Saunders, S. Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, Se-cond Edition. Wiley – Sons, 237–263.
[22] FitzGerald, C. – Saunders, S. 2005: Test of histological methods of determining chronology of accentuated striae in deciduous teeth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 127(3), 277–290. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10442
[23] FitzGerald, C. – Saunders, S. – Bondioli, L. – Macchiarelli, R. 2006: Health of infants in an Imperial Roman skeletal sample: Perspective from dental microstructure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 130(2), 179–189. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.20275
[24] Goodman, A. – Rose, J. 1990: Assessment of systemic physiological perturbations from dental enamel hypoplasias and associated histological structures. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 33, 59–110. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.1330330506
[25] Guatelli-Steinberg, D. – Larsen, C. – Hutchinson, D. 2004: Prevalence and the duration of linear enamel hypoplasia: a comparative study of Neandertals and Inuit foragers. Journal of Human Evolution 47(1–2), 65–84. | DOI 10.1016/j.jhevol.2004.05.004
[26] Hillson, S. 1996: Dental Anthropology: Cambridge University Press.
[27] Hillson, S. 2014: Tooth Development in Human Evolution and Bioarchaeology: Cambridge University Press.
[28] Humphrey, L. T. – King, T. 2000: Childhood stress: a lifetime legacy. Anthropologie XXXVIII/1, 33–49.
[29] Hupková, A. – Dirks, W. – Králík, M. – Račanská, M. 2015: Retrieval of a developmental record from dental remains: Stress chronology and age at death assessment of a juvenile skeleton from an early medieval site in Moravia, Czech Republic. In: Sázelová, S. – Novák, M. – Mizerová, A. (eds.), Forgotten times and spaces. New perspectives in paleoanthropological, paleoetnological and archeological studies. Brno: Masarykova univerzita – Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2015:
[30] Katzenberg, M. A. – Saunders, S. 2008: Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, Second Edition. Wiley & Sons.
[31] King, T. – Hillson, S. – Humphrey, L. 2002: A detailed study of enamel hypoplasia in a post-medieval adolescent of known age and sex. Archives of Oral Biology 47(1), 29–39. | DOI 10.1016/S0003-9969(01)00091-7
[32] King, T. – Humphrey, L. – Hillson, S. 2005: Linear enamel hypoplasias as indicators of systemic physiological stress: Evidence from two known age-at-death and sex populations from postmedieval London. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 128(3), 547–559. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.20232
[33] Larsen, C. S. 2002: Bioarchaeology: The lives and lifestyles of past people. Journal of Archaeological Research 10(2), 119–166. | DOI 10.1023/A:1015267705803
[34] Lieberman, D. 1993: Life history variables preserved in dental cementum microstructure. Science 261(5125), 1162–1164. | DOI 10.1126/science.8356448
[35] Lieberman, D. 1994: The biological basis for seasonal increments in dental cementum and their application to archaeological research. Journal of Archaeological Science 21, 525–539. | DOI 10.1006/jasc.1994.1052
[36] Mahoney, P. 2011: Human Deciduous Mandibular Molar Incremental Enamel Development. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144(2), 204–214. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21386
[37] Mahoney, P. 2012: Incremental Enamel Development in Modern Human Deciduous Anterior Teeth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147, 637–651. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.22029
[38] Malček, R. – Šimkovic, M. 2013: Výskumná správa z výskumu č. 82/2013 "Muráň-Hrad, Dom veliteľa". Nálezová správa: Archeologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied v Nitre.135
[39] Moorrees, C. – Fanning, E. – Hunt, E. 1963a: Age Variation of Formation Stages for Ten Permanent Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 42, 1490–1502.
[40] Moorrees, C. – Fanning, E. – Hunt, E. 1963b: Formation and Resorption of Three Deciduous Teeth in Children. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 21, 205–213.
[41] Naylor, J. – Miller, W. – Stokes, G. – Stott, G. 1985: Cementum annulation enhancement: A technique for age determination in man. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 68, 197–200. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.1330680206
[42] Papageorgopoulou, C. – Suter, S. – Ruhli, F. – Siegmund, F. 2011: Harris Lines Revisited: Prevalence, Comorbidities, and Possible Etiologies. American Journal of Human Biology 23(3), 381–391. | DOI 10.1002/ajhb.21155
[43] Pechníková, M. – De Angelis, D. – Gibelli, D. – Vecchio, V. – Cameriere, R. – Zeqiri, B. – Cattaneo, C. 2014: Twins and the paradox of dental-age estimations: A caution for researchers and clinicians. HOMO – Journal of Comparative Human Biology 65, 330–337. | DOI 10.1016/j.jchb.2014.05.003
[44] Račanská, M. – Hupková, A. – Dirks, W. – Vargová, L. – Králík, M. 2014: A study of the juvenile skeleton from the early medieval site in Moravia, Czech Republic: Attempt to age at injury estimation using stress chronology from developmental record in the microstructure of teeth (preliminary report). In: Morphology 2014:
[45] Reid, D. – Beynon, A. – Rozzi, F. 1998: Histological reconstruction of dental development in four individuals from a medieval site in Picardie, France. Journal of Human Evolution 35(4–5), 463–477. | DOI 10.1006/jhev.1998.0233
[46] Reid, D. – Dean, M. C. 2006: Variation in modern human enamel formation times. Journal of Human Evolution 50(3), 329–346. | DOI 10.1016/j.jhevol.2005.09.003
[47] Reid, D. – Ferrell, R. 2006: The relationship between number of striae of Retzius and their periodicity in imbricational enamel formation. Journal of Human Evolution 50(2), 195–202. | DOI 10.1016/j.jhevol.2005.09.002
[48] Schaefer, M. – Black, S. – Scheuer, L. 2009: Juvenile Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Manual. London: Elsevier.
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[50] Schour, I. – Massler, M. 1941: The development of the human dentition. Journal of the American Dental Association 28, 1153–1160.
[51] Schwartz, G. – Dean, M. C. 2008: Charting the chronology of developing teeth. In: Irish, J. – Nelson, G. (eds.), Technique and Application in Dental Anthropology. Cambridge University Press, 219–233.
[52] Smith, T. 2008: Incremental dental development: Methods and applications in hominoid evolutionary studies. Journal of Human Evolution 54(2), 205–224. | DOI 10.1016/j.jhevol.2007.09.020
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[2] AlQahtani, S. J. – Hector, M. P. – Liversidge, H. M. 2010: Brief communication: The London atlas of human tooth development and eruption. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142, 481–490. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21258
[3] Antoine, D. – Hillson, S. – Dean, M. C. 2009: The developmental clock of dental enamel: a test for the periodicity of prism cross-striations in modern humans and an evaluation of the most likely sources of error in histological studies of this kind. Journal of Anatomy 214(1), 45–55. | DOI 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2008.01010.x
[4] Bertrand, B. – Robbins Schug, G. – Polet, C. – Naji, S. – Colard, T. 2014: Age-at-death estimation of pathological individuals: A complementary approach using teeth cementum annulations. International Journal of Paleopathology, v tisku.
[5] Beynon, A. – Clayton, C. – Rozzi, F. – Reid, D. 1998: Radiographic and histological methodologies in estimating the chronology of crown development in modern humans and great apes: a review, with some applications for studies on juvenile hominids . Journal of Human Evolution 35(4–5), 351–370. | DOI 10.1006/jhev.1998.0234
[6] Birch, W. – Dean, M. C. 2014: A method of calculating human deciduous crown formation times and of estimating the chronological ages of stressful events occurring during deciduous enamel formation. Journal of Forensic and Legale Medicine 22, 127–144. | DOI 10.1016/j.jflm.2013.12.002
[7] Black, S. – Ferguson, E. E. 2011: Forensic anthropology: 2000–2010: CRC Press.
[8] Dean, M. C. 1998: A comparative study of cross striation spacings in cuspal enamel and of four methods of estimating the time taken to grow molar cuspal enamel in Pan, Pongo and Homo. Journal of Human Evolution 35(4–5), 449–462. | DOI 10.1006/jhev.1998.0208
[9] Dean, M. C. 2000: Incremental markings in enamel and dentine: what they can tell us about the way teeth grow. In: Teaford, M. – Smith, M. – Ferguson, M. (eds.), Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth. Cambridge University Press, 119–130.
[10] Dean, M. C. 2010: Retrieving chronological age from dental remains of early fossil hominins to reconstruct human growth in the past. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 365(1556), 3397–3410. | DOI 10.1098/rstb.2010.0052
[11] Dean, M. C. – Beynon, A.D. 1991: Histological reconstruction of crown formation times and initial root-formation times in a modern human child. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 86(2), 215–228. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.1330860210
[12] Dean, M. C. – Elamin, F. 2014: Parturition lines in modern human wisdom tooth roots: do they exist, can they be characterized and are they useful for retrospective determination of age at first reproduction and/or inter-birth intervals? Annals of Human Biology 41(4), 358–367. | DOI 10.3109/03014460.2014.923047
[13] Demirjian, A. – Goldstein, H. – Tanner, J. M. 1973: A New System of Dental Age Assessment. Human Biology 45(2), 211–227.
[14] Dirks, W. 1998: Histological reconstruction of dental development and age at death in a juvenile gibbon (Hylobates lar). Journal of Human Evolution 35(4–5), 411–425. | DOI 10.1006/jhev.1997.0185
[15] Dirks, W. – Bromage, T. – Agenbroad, L. 2012: The duration and rate of molar plate formation in Palaeoloxodon cypriotes and Mammuthus columbi from dental histology. Quaternary International 255, 79–85. | DOI 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.11.002
[16] Dirks, W. – Humphrey, L. – Dean, M. C. – Jeffries, T. 2010: The Relationship of Accentuated Lines in Enamel to Weaning Stress in Juvenile Baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis). Folia Primatologica 81(4), 207–223.
[17] Dirks, W. – Reid, D. – Jolly, C. – Phillips-Conroy, J. – Brett, F. 2002: Out of the mouths of baboons: Stress, life history, and dental development in the Awash National Park hybrid zone, Ethiopia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 118(3), 239–252. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10089
[18] Dobisíková, M. 1999: Určování věku. In: Stloukal, M. (ed.), Antropologie: příručka pro studium kostry. Praha: Národní muzeum, 235–339.
[19] Dolphin, A. E. – Teeter, M. – White, C. D. – Longstaffe, F. 2016: Limiting the impact of destructive analytical techniques through sequential microspatial sampling of the enamel from single teeth. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 5, 537–541. | DOI 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.01.009
[20] FitzGerald, C. – Hillson, S. 2009: Deciduous Tooth Growth in an Ancient Greek Infant Cemetery. In: Koppe, T. – Meyer, G. – Alt, K. W. (eds): Comparative Dental Morphology. Front Oral Biol. 13, 178–183.
[21] FitzGerald, C. – Rose, J. 2008: Reading between the lines: dental development and subadult age assessment using the microstructural growth markers of teeth. In: Katzenberg, M. – Saunders, S. Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, Se-cond Edition. Wiley – Sons, 237–263.
[22] FitzGerald, C. – Saunders, S. 2005: Test of histological methods of determining chronology of accentuated striae in deciduous teeth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 127(3), 277–290. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10442
[23] FitzGerald, C. – Saunders, S. – Bondioli, L. – Macchiarelli, R. 2006: Health of infants in an Imperial Roman skeletal sample: Perspective from dental microstructure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 130(2), 179–189. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.20275
[24] Goodman, A. – Rose, J. 1990: Assessment of systemic physiological perturbations from dental enamel hypoplasias and associated histological structures. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 33, 59–110. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.1330330506
[25] Guatelli-Steinberg, D. – Larsen, C. – Hutchinson, D. 2004: Prevalence and the duration of linear enamel hypoplasia: a comparative study of Neandertals and Inuit foragers. Journal of Human Evolution 47(1–2), 65–84. | DOI 10.1016/j.jhevol.2004.05.004
[26] Hillson, S. 1996: Dental Anthropology: Cambridge University Press.
[27] Hillson, S. 2014: Tooth Development in Human Evolution and Bioarchaeology: Cambridge University Press.
[28] Humphrey, L. T. – King, T. 2000: Childhood stress: a lifetime legacy. Anthropologie XXXVIII/1, 33–49.
[29] Hupková, A. – Dirks, W. – Králík, M. – Račanská, M. 2015: Retrieval of a developmental record from dental remains: Stress chronology and age at death assessment of a juvenile skeleton from an early medieval site in Moravia, Czech Republic. In: Sázelová, S. – Novák, M. – Mizerová, A. (eds.), Forgotten times and spaces. New perspectives in paleoanthropological, paleoetnological and archeological studies. Brno: Masarykova univerzita – Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2015:
[30] Katzenberg, M. A. – Saunders, S. 2008: Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, Second Edition. Wiley & Sons.
[31] King, T. – Hillson, S. – Humphrey, L. 2002: A detailed study of enamel hypoplasia in a post-medieval adolescent of known age and sex. Archives of Oral Biology 47(1), 29–39. | DOI 10.1016/S0003-9969(01)00091-7
[32] King, T. – Humphrey, L. – Hillson, S. 2005: Linear enamel hypoplasias as indicators of systemic physiological stress: Evidence from two known age-at-death and sex populations from postmedieval London. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 128(3), 547–559. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.20232
[33] Larsen, C. S. 2002: Bioarchaeology: The lives and lifestyles of past people. Journal of Archaeological Research 10(2), 119–166. | DOI 10.1023/A:1015267705803
[34] Lieberman, D. 1993: Life history variables preserved in dental cementum microstructure. Science 261(5125), 1162–1164. | DOI 10.1126/science.8356448
[35] Lieberman, D. 1994: The biological basis for seasonal increments in dental cementum and their application to archaeological research. Journal of Archaeological Science 21, 525–539. | DOI 10.1006/jasc.1994.1052
[36] Mahoney, P. 2011: Human Deciduous Mandibular Molar Incremental Enamel Development. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144(2), 204–214. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21386
[37] Mahoney, P. 2012: Incremental Enamel Development in Modern Human Deciduous Anterior Teeth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147, 637–651. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.22029
[38] Malček, R. – Šimkovic, M. 2013: Výskumná správa z výskumu č. 82/2013 "Muráň-Hrad, Dom veliteľa". Nálezová správa: Archeologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied v Nitre.135
[39] Moorrees, C. – Fanning, E. – Hunt, E. 1963a: Age Variation of Formation Stages for Ten Permanent Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 42, 1490–1502.
[40] Moorrees, C. – Fanning, E. – Hunt, E. 1963b: Formation and Resorption of Three Deciduous Teeth in Children. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 21, 205–213.
[41] Naylor, J. – Miller, W. – Stokes, G. – Stott, G. 1985: Cementum annulation enhancement: A technique for age determination in man. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 68, 197–200. | DOI 10.1002/ajpa.1330680206
[42] Papageorgopoulou, C. – Suter, S. – Ruhli, F. – Siegmund, F. 2011: Harris Lines Revisited: Prevalence, Comorbidities, and Possible Etiologies. American Journal of Human Biology 23(3), 381–391. | DOI 10.1002/ajhb.21155
[43] Pechníková, M. – De Angelis, D. – Gibelli, D. – Vecchio, V. – Cameriere, R. – Zeqiri, B. – Cattaneo, C. 2014: Twins and the paradox of dental-age estimations: A caution for researchers and clinicians. HOMO – Journal of Comparative Human Biology 65, 330–337. | DOI 10.1016/j.jchb.2014.05.003
[44] Račanská, M. – Hupková, A. – Dirks, W. – Vargová, L. – Králík, M. 2014: A study of the juvenile skeleton from the early medieval site in Moravia, Czech Republic: Attempt to age at injury estimation using stress chronology from developmental record in the microstructure of teeth (preliminary report). In: Morphology 2014:
[45] Reid, D. – Beynon, A. – Rozzi, F. 1998: Histological reconstruction of dental development in four individuals from a medieval site in Picardie, France. Journal of Human Evolution 35(4–5), 463–477. | DOI 10.1006/jhev.1998.0233
[46] Reid, D. – Dean, M. C. 2006: Variation in modern human enamel formation times. Journal of Human Evolution 50(3), 329–346. | DOI 10.1016/j.jhevol.2005.09.003
[47] Reid, D. – Ferrell, R. 2006: The relationship between number of striae of Retzius and their periodicity in imbricational enamel formation. Journal of Human Evolution 50(2), 195–202. | DOI 10.1016/j.jhevol.2005.09.002
[48] Schaefer, M. – Black, S. – Scheuer, L. 2009: Juvenile Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Manual. London: Elsevier.
[49] Scheuer, L. – Black, S. 2004: The Juvenile Skeleton. London: Academic Press.
[50] Schour, I. – Massler, M. 1941: The development of the human dentition. Journal of the American Dental Association 28, 1153–1160.
[51] Schwartz, G. – Dean, M. C. 2008: Charting the chronology of developing teeth. In: Irish, J. – Nelson, G. (eds.), Technique and Application in Dental Anthropology. Cambridge University Press, 219–233.
[52] Smith, T. 2008: Incremental dental development: Methods and applications in hominoid evolutionary studies. Journal of Human Evolution 54(2), 205–224. | DOI 10.1016/j.jhevol.2007.09.020
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