Ku koncepcii vysokoškolskej učebnice Interpretácia umeleckého textu: Interpretačné b(lú)denie

Title: Ku koncepcii vysokoškolskej učebnice Interpretácia umeleckého textu: Interpretačné b(lú)denie
Variant title:
  • To the concept of the textbook called Interpretation of artistic text: Interpretational (aware)rambling
Author: Lešková, Dana
Source document: Bohemica litteraria. 2017, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 92-99
  • ISSN
    1213-2144 (print)
    2336-4394 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The study addresses the concept of a textbook called Interpretation of artistic text. Interpretational (aware)rambling (Interpretácia umeleckého textu. Interpretačné b[lú]denie). This textbook highlights some productive, receptive and textual aspects of prose for children and youth. The atypical form of the textbook's layout will open opportunities for the reader to deepen their interpretative abilities in a rather unusual way. Acquainting with the process of interpretation thus becomes more processual but also more demanding for the reader's reception. The composition of this textbook revives the concept of the text as a multilayer of transgression and rewriting, which results in gradual deepening of the understanding. The graphic design of the textbook also accentuates the text as such, since textual part of a book is often neglected in understanding production and reception features of literary (or any) text by inexperienced readers. The text of a textbook is divided into separate short segments. The segments of the book's text can be combined and overlapped in a random manner. Individual meanings can thus be isolated and mutually interlaced. Distinctive segregation of the individual parts of the instructional text increases reader's attention during reception of the particular segment. A new immediate environment of the text segment, obtained by turning part of a page, always leads to a new free connection with other immediately following literary-science segment. A presented issue is thus revealed simultaneously from several aspects. The author of the textbook draws a parallel between reading the textbook and reading an artistic text. The quotes from specific artistic or scholarly texts used in the textbook serve the reader as illustrative fragments. The aim of the textbook is to support the reader in making more open interpretations without expecting definite knowledge, but keeping him constantly engaged in learning. Each unit is designed to demonstrate the addressed issues through literary examples from the literature for children and youth. In particular, they include the following books: M. Ende The Neverending Story, S. Rushdie Haroun and the Sea of Stories and J. Domagalik Five Adventures of Detective Konopka. They are predominantly artistic texts in which various forms of metalepsis made by both author and reader (Genette 2005) suggest various aspects of reception and production of literary texts.
Príspevok je čiastkovým výstupom riešenia grantových projektov VEGA 1/0233/15 Svetová literatúra pre deti a mládež v slovenskom preklade po roku 1990 a APVV-15-0071 Človek s hendikepom v literatúre pre deti a mládež.
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