Title: Čo iné je Platónov Sókratés, než len Platón vpredu, Platón vzadu a v strede Chiméra? : (úvahy o Platónovej verzii Sókrata)
Source document: Pro-Fil. 2012, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. [75]-87
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/pf13-2-323
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/139072
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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Táto štúdia ponúka stručné uvedenie do sokratovskej otázky, pričom sa v nej kladie dôraz predovšetkým na Platónovho Sókrata. Prvá časť príspevku sleduje vznik sókratovskej otázky v antike. V druhej časti sa pojednáva o vzostupe Platónovej autority v riešení tejto otázky. Nasledujúca časť podáva argumenty, prečo je Platónov portrét Sókrata z pohľadu historika filozofie neudržateľný a nedôveryhodný. Navrhované riešenia sókratovského problému spočívajú v zdržaní sa úsudku o historickej autentickosti Platónovho Sókrata.
This paper offers a brief introduction to the Socratic question with accent on Plato's Socrates. The first part tracks the origins of Socratic question in antiquity. The second part is concerned with the rise of Plato's authority in resolving this problem. The following part argues that Plato's trait of Socrates is inconsistent and therefore suspicious in terms of history of philosophy. The proposed conclusions are to sustain judgement about the historical accuracy and authenticity of Plato's portrait of Socrates.
Studie je realizována na základě grantového projektu GA ČR P401/10/0520.
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[23] Nietzsche, F. (2003) Mimo dobro a zlo. Prel. V. Koubová. Praha, Aurora.
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[27] Salome, L. (2001): Nietzsche. Prel. E. Mandel & T.S. Mandel. Urbana and Chicago,
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[29] Schleiermacher, F. (1852) On the worth of Socrates as a philosopher. PLATON: The
[30] Apology of the Socrates, The Crito and part of the Phaedo (ed. W. Smith). London, Taylor
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[32] Suvák, V. (2006) Sókratés a sokratika. SOKRATIKA I. Sókratovská tradícia myslenia od
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[35] Taylor, A. E. (1911) Varia Socratica I. Oxford, St. Andrewʼs University Publications.
[36] Trapp, M. (2007) Introduction. Socrates in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century (ed. M.
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[38] Vlastos, G. (1971) The Paradox of Socrates. The Philosophy of Socrates. A Collection of
[39] Critical Essays (ed. G. Vlastos). New York, Anchor Books. Doubleday & Company Inc.
[40] Vlastos, G. (1991) Socrates: ironist and moral philosopher. Cambridge, Cambridge
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[42] Zeller, E. (1877) Socrates and the Socratic schools. Prel. O. J. Reichel. London, Longmans,
[43] Green, and co.