Společensko-kritické aspekty české metafyzické detektivky

Title: Společensko-kritické aspekty české metafyzické detektivky
Variant title:
  • The Czech metaphysical detective novel and its socio-critical aspects
Source document: Bohemica litteraria. 2019, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 56-74
  • ISSN
    1213-2144 (print)
    2336-4394 (online)
Type: Article

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The metaphysical detective novel is a non-forged genre in the Czech literary world. In this short study, therefore, we try to introduce the specifics of this genre briefly, then we deal with its different varieties presenting a socio-critical overlap. Focusing on strategies of investigation and social critique, we analyze works by Czech authors Radka Denemarková, Václav Kahuda, Miloš Urban, and Patrik Ouředník. In conclusion, we demonstrate that social critique represents important and often manifest aspiration of contemporary Czech metaphysical detective novel.
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