Title: Etruscan hedonism, women, and cruelty : interpretation of ancient writings and archaeological sources
Source document: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2020, vol. 25, iss. 2, pp. 149-162
ISSN1803-7402 (print)2336-4424 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/GLB2020-2-11
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/143321
Type: Article
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 International
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Etruscan control in Italy was not constrained distinctly by the well-known region of Etruscan culture (Tuscany and northern Lazio). The Etruscan power also extended toward the southwestern areas (Campania) as well as to the northern parts of Italy (Po valley). The impact of Etruscan culture spread over the entire land. The essential wellsprings of the paper are represented by the ancient sources in Latin and Greek from different periods treating Etruscan culture and society. The ancient authors portrayed the high class of society intentionally. They planned to define Etruscans as pleasure-seekers that participated in the spectacular banquets. The truth of the matter, from an archaeological perspective, is that it was not completely real. Archaeobotanical and anthropological investigation demonstrates that the way of life of the vast majority of the Etruscan population was standardly modest. Comparison of ancient written sources with archaeological data proves that the ancient writers were one-sided, sometimes without a critical approach to the sources, which could cause the misconception of certain components of Etruscan culture. There could be several reasons why it was so. The main focus of this paper is the examination of these reasons.
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[36] Camporeale, G. (2016). The Etruscans and the Mediterranean. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 67–86). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[37] Carpino, A. A. (2016). The "Taste" for Violence in Etruscan Art: Debunking the Myth. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 410–431). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[38] Carpino, A. A., & Bell, S. (2016). Indroduction. In Idem, & S. Bell (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. xxii–xxvii). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[39] Ceccarelli, L. (2016). The Romanization of Etruria. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 28–40). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
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[44] Krauskopf, I. (2016). Myth in Etruria. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 388–409). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
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[49] Rallo, A. (1989). Le Donne in Etruria. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider.
[50] Rawlings, L. (2007). Army and Battle during the Conquest of Italy (350–264 bc). In P. Erdkamp (Ed.), A Companion to the Roman Army (pp. 45–62). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[51] Rossi, M. (2013). A tavola con gli Etruschi. In F. R. Porcaroli (Ed.), Vino et Lustris. Il rito del Simposio: Soprintendenza e Guardia di Finanza a tutela del patrimonio archeologico del territorio (pp. 43–47). Roma: Gangemi Editore spa.
[52] Stoddart, S. K. (2016). Beginnings: Protovillanovan and Villanovan Etruria. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 3–14). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[53] Tagliamonte, G. (2017). Political organization and magistrate. In A. Naso (Ed.), Etruscology (pp. 121–241). Berlin: De Gruyter.
[54] Turfa, J. M. (2016). The Obesus Etruscus: Can the Trope be True? In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 321–335). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
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[2] Babbitt, F. C. (Transl.). (1914). Plutarch's Lives. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
[3] Babbitt, F. C. (Transl.). (1931). Plutarch: Moralia. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
[4] Bekker, I., Dindorf, L., & Vogel, F. (Eds.). (1888–1890). Diodorus Siculus: Bibliotheca Historica (Vol. 1–2). Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
[5] Burton, R. F., & Smithers, L. C. (Transl.). (1894). Catullus: Carmina. London.
[6] Didot, A. F., & Müller, K. O. (Eds.). (1848). Fragmenta historicorum Græcorum ...: Apollodori Bibliotheca cum fragmentis (Vol. 3). Parisiis: Didot.
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[8] Evelyn-White, H. G. (Transl.). (1914). The Homeric Hymns and Homerica. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
[9] Godley, D. (Transl.). (1920). Herodotus. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
[10] Greenough, J. B. (Ed.). (1900). Bucolics, Aeneid, and Georgics of Vergil. Boston: Ginn & Co.
[11] Hercher, R. (Ed.). (1864). Claudius Aelianus: De natura animalium libri xvii, varia historia, epistolae, fragmenta (Vol. 1). Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
[12] Jacoby, K. (Ed.). (1885). Dionysius Halicarnanensis: Antiquitatum Romanarum quae supersunt (Vol. I–IV). Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
[13] Kaibel, G. (Ed.). (1887). Athenaeus: Deipnosophistae. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
[14] Kirchner, J. (Ed.). (1913–1940). G II² Inscriptiones Graecae II et III: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores (2nd ed.; Parts I–III). Berlin.
[15] Kucharský, P. (Transl.). (1976). Titus Livius: Dějiny V (Antická knihovna). Praha: Svoboda.
[16] Mayhoff, K. F. Th. (Ed.). (1906). C. Plinius Secundus: Naturalis Historia. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
[17] Meineke, A. (Ed.). (1877). Strabon: Geographica. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
[18] Müller, Th., & Müller, C. (Eds.). (1841–1873). Fragmenta historicorum graecorum ... auxerunt, notis et prolegomenis illustrarunt, indici plenissimo instruxerunt Car. et Theod. MULLERI. Accedunt marmora parium et rosettanum, hoc cum Letronnii, illud cum C. MULLERI commentariis. Parisiis: Editore Ambrosio Firmin Didot.
[19] Nixon, P. (Transl.). (1917). T. Maccius Plautus, II: Cistellaria. London: William Heinemann.
[20] Nixon, P. (Transl.). (1917). T. Maccius Plautus, II: Curculio. London: William Heinemann.
[21] Oldfather, Ch. H. (Transl.). (1939). Diodorus of Sicily (Vol. III). London: William Heinemann.
[22] Sabbadini, R. (Ed.). (1930). P. Vergilii Maronis Opera, II: Aeneis. Romae: Regia Officina Polygraphica.
[23] Shepherd, R. (Transl.). (1793). Polyaenus: Translation of Strategematum libri octo. London: Printed for George Nicol.
[24] Smart, Ch. (Transl.). (1863). The Works of Horace. Philadelphia: Joseph Whetham.
[25] Stanley, T. (Transl.). (1665). Claudius Aelianus: His Various History. London: Printed for Thomas Dring.
[26] Weissenborn, G., & Müller, M. (Eds.). (1898). Titus Livius: Ab urbe condita libri I–X. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
[27] Amann, P. (2017). Society, 580–450 BCE. In A. Naso (Ed.), Etruscology (pp. 985–1000). Boston – Berlin: De Gruyter.
[28] Amann, P. (2017). Society. In A. Naso (Ed.). Etruscology (pp. 179–194). Boston – Berlin: De Gruyter.
[29] Barker, G., & Rasmussen, T. B. (2005). Etruskové. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
[30] Becker, H. (2006). Production, consumption and society in north Etruria during the archaic and classical periods: The world of Lars Porsenna. Diss. Department of Classics (Classical Archaeology), University of North Carolina.
[31] Becker, H. (2016). Luxuria prolapsa est: Etruscan Wealth and Decadence. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 293–304). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[32] Beekes, R. S. P. (2003). The origin of the Etruscans. Amsterdam: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.
[33] Bonfante Warren, L. (1973). Etruscan Women: A Question of Interpretation. Archaeology, 26, 242–249.
[34] Bonfante, G. (1998). The Origin of Cannibalism in Dante. Etruscan Studies, 5, 3–6. | DOI 10.1515/etst.1998.5.1.3
[35] Bruni, S. (2013). Seafaring: Ship Building, Harbors, the Issue of Piracy. In J. M. Turfa (Ed.), The Etruscan World (pp. 760–777). Abingdon: Routledge.
[36] Camporeale, G. (2016). The Etruscans and the Mediterranean. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 67–86). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[37] Carpino, A. A. (2016). The "Taste" for Violence in Etruscan Art: Debunking the Myth. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 410–431). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[38] Carpino, A. A., & Bell, S. (2016). Indroduction. In Idem, & S. Bell (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. xxii–xxvii). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[39] Ceccarelli, L. (2016). The Romanization of Etruria. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 28–40). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[40] Colivicchi, F. (2017). Banqueting and Food. In A. Naso (Ed.), Etruscology (pp. 207–220). Boston – Berlin: De Gruyter.
[41] Cristofani, M. (1999). Dizionario della civiltà etrusca. Firenze: Giunti.
[42] Della Fina, G. M. (2005). Etruschi: la vita quotidiana. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider.
[43] Isayev, E. (2016). Italy before the Romans. In A. Cooley (Ed.), A companion to Roman Italy (pp. 1–32). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[44] Krauskopf, I. (2016). Myth in Etruria. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 388–409). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[45] Lomas, K. (2017). The Rise of Rome: From the Iron Age to the Punic Wars (1000 BC – 264 BC). London: Profile Books.
[46] Marincola, J. (2011). Introduction. In J. Marincola (Ed.), Greek and Roman historiography (pp. xvii–xxiv). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[47] Pallottino, M. (1942). Etruscologia. Milano: Hoepli.
[48] Pieraccini, L. C. (2013). Food and drink in the Etruscan world. In J. M. Turfa (Ed.), The Etruscan World (pp. 812–822). Abingdon: Routledge.
[49] Rallo, A. (1989). Le Donne in Etruria. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider.
[50] Rawlings, L. (2007). Army and Battle during the Conquest of Italy (350–264 bc). In P. Erdkamp (Ed.), A Companion to the Roman Army (pp. 45–62). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[51] Rossi, M. (2013). A tavola con gli Etruschi. In F. R. Porcaroli (Ed.), Vino et Lustris. Il rito del Simposio: Soprintendenza e Guardia di Finanza a tutela del patrimonio archeologico del territorio (pp. 43–47). Roma: Gangemi Editore spa.
[52] Stoddart, S. K. (2016). Beginnings: Protovillanovan and Villanovan Etruria. In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 3–14). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[53] Tagliamonte, G. (2017). Political organization and magistrate. In A. Naso (Ed.), Etruscology (pp. 121–241). Berlin: De Gruyter.
[54] Turfa, J. M. (2016). The Obesus Etruscus: Can the Trope be True? In S. Bell, & A. A. Carpino (Eds.), A Companion to the Etruscans (pp. 321–335). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
[55] Weeber, K. W. (1979). Geschichte der Etrusker. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.