Чеховская трагикомедия : интерпретация "Трех сестер" в Городском театре Брно

Title: Чеховская трагикомедия : интерпретация "Трех сестер" в Городском театре Брно
Transliterated title
Čechovskaja tragikomedija : interpretacija "Trech sester" v Gorodskom teatre Brno
Variant title:
  • Chekhov's tragicomedy : to the interpretation of Three Sisters in Brno City Theatre
Author: Kroča, David
Source document: Новая русистика. 2021, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 31-39
  • ISSN
    1803-4950 (print)
    2336-4564 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The study deals with the Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's drama Three Sisters (1901) and its staging in Brno City Theatre. Since its premier on 30th May 2009 until its dernier on 20th September 2012, more than forty reprises took place, and the production became one of the most remarkable attempts at interpretation of the famous Russian drama in the Czech cultural space. Before the analysis, the study focuses on the Czech production, interpretation and translation tradition and specific features of the genre. The Brno staging, which works with the translation by Leoš Suchařípa, intentionally uses the term "Tragicomedy" as the play's subtitle. The director Stanislav Moša and his team is aware of the genre's specificity and considers its comedic nature without abandoning serious themes and situations. This characteristic feature is reflected, first, in the directorial-dramaturgic rendition of the staging, and second, in the work with the actors as well as with the textual template. The interpretation of the performance is very important for understanding the drama, too, since it shows Chekhov's Three Sisters not only as a real-life tragicomedy, but also as an up-to-date and timeless parable.
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