A recently discovered Regimen sanitatis by Guillem de Béziers from 1319

Title: A recently discovered Regimen sanitatis by Guillem de Béziers from 1319
Source document: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2021, vol. 26, iss. 2, pp. 247-277
  • ISSN
    1803-7402 (print)
    2336-4424 (online)
Type: Article

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The Montpellier physician Guillem de Béziers († 1322) was known as the author of two practice-oriented medical texts – the Informatio scolaribus suis and the Documentum. The article presents a newly discovered manuscript with another Guillem's treatises, the Regimen sanitatis, which is preserved in the Museum and Gallery of the Eagle Mountains in Rychnov nad Kněžnou (Muzeum a galerie Orlických hor v Rychnově nad Kněžnou) in the Czech Republic. The introductory part, in which Guillem's possible sources are discussed in detail, is followed by a critical edition of the Latin regimen.
This paper is published as part of the interdisciplinary research project of Masaryk University 'Herbaria manuscripta Bohemiae et Moraviae usque ad annum 1500 – databáze rukopisných herbářů do roku 1500 jako platforma ke studiu humanitních i přírodovědných disciplín' (The Herbaria manuscripta Bohemiae et Moraviae usque ad annum 1500 – database of manuscripts of herbals up until the year 1500 as a platform to study humanities and natural sciences; MUNI/G/1059/2018).
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