Z fikčního světa Jaroslava Foglara : Zkáza Jezerní kotliny

Title: Z fikčního světa Jaroslava Foglara : Zkáza Jezerní kotliny
Variant title:
  • From the fictional world of Jaroslav Foglar : The Destruction of the Lake Basin
Author: Kroča, David
Source document: Bohemica litteraria. 2022, vol. 25, iss. 1, pp. 43-54
  • ISSN
    1213-2144 (print)
    2336-4394 (online)
Type: Article

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This study compares Jaroslav Foglar's famous novel The Cottage in the Lake Basin (1939) to its free sequel, The Destruction of the Lake Basin (2021), written by a contemporary author of literature for children and young adults, Petr Hugo Šlik. Confronting the two novels, the author draws methodologically and terminologically on Lubomír Doležel's theory of fictional worlds and Gérard Genette's theory of hypertextuality. First, The Destruction of the Lake Basin is placed in the context of Czech fiction, systematically following the work of Jaroslav Foglar. The author of the study evaluates the way Šlik used the so-called encyclopaedia of the fictional world of the original novel. The analyses and comparisons are complemented with quotations that illustrate the way Šlik's hypertext relates to Foglar's hypotext. The study concludes by pointing out not only the positive features of this linking but also the problems and fallacies of Šlik's creative approach.
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