Možnosti a limity rekonstrukce historických receptů na přípravu piva (na příkladu díla Františka Ondřeje Poupě)

Title: Možnosti a limity rekonstrukce historických receptů na přípravu piva (na příkladu díla Františka Ondřeje Poupě)
Variant title:
  • Possibilities and limits of reconstruction of historical beer recipes (based on the example of the work of František Ondřej Poupě)
Source document: Studia historica Brunensia. 2023, vol. 70, iss. 2, pp. 81-90
  • ISSN
    1803-7429 (print)
    2336-4513 (online)
Type: Article
Summary language
Rights access
open access

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In history there are many approaches to studying beer, and therefore it is not surprising that in the public domain we sometimes encounter practical attempts to reconstruct "historical" beers on the basis of surviving recipes. This article critically evaluates the possibilities and limits of such reconstructions. It is based primarily on the authors' attempt to reconstruct a "historical" beer on the basis of information contained in the work of the Czech brewer František Ondřej Poupě from the turn of the 19th century. From this experience, the study attempts to assess the narrative value of the relevant sources, the reconstructability of the technological processes and the specificity of the raw materials used.
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